Speed Reading — Level 0 — 300 wpm 

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Scientists now know the secrets of the seahorse. They worked out its genetic map. Scientists can now find out why seahorses are so different. They have no teeth. Male seahorses carry babies and give birth to them. Seahorses do not swim forwards or to the left and right. They swim vertically (up and down).

Seahorses got their unusual shape 100 million years ago. There are 54 different seahorses. The scientific name for a seahorse is Hippocampus. This word comes from the Ancient Greek words hippos ('horse') and kampos ('sea monster'). We can write seahorse as two words (sea horse), or with a dash (sea-horse).

Back to the seahorses lesson.

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