All 3 Graded Readings

'Yellow Vests' protests to continue in France


Yellow Vests Protests - Level 4

France is famous for revolution but is now seeing unrest it has not seen for decades. It is being hit by violent nationwide protests. Hundreds of thousands of people are taking to the streets, causing chaos to business, transport and the economy. The Yellow Vests Movement is leading the protests. Its protestors wear high-visibility jackets. The protestors were angry about rising fuel prices, the high cost of living, and tax reforms that are unfair for workers.

France's President declared "a state of social and economic emergency". The violence has caused over a billion dollars in damages. Paris has seen the worst of the protests. The President will cancel his planned fuel-price rise and lower tax for the poor. He called for the chaos to end and for calm to return. He said: "No anger justifies attacking a police officer...or damaging a shop or public building. When violence is unleashed, freedom ends."


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Yellow Vests Protests - Level 5

France is experiencing unrest it has not seen for decades. France is famous for revolution and has now been rocked by violent nationwide protests. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets and have brought chaos to businesses, transport and the French economy. The protests are led by the Yellow Vests Movement, so called because protestors wear high-visibility jackets. The protests started because of rising fuel prices, the high cost of living, and claims that new tax reforms are unfair for the working and middle classes.

France's President Emmanuel Macron has declared "a state of social and economic emergency". The violence has caused over a billion dollars in damages so far and this figure is set to rise. Paris has seen the worst of the protests. To make people happier, Mr Macron will cancel his proposed fuel-price rise, deliver tax relief for the poor, and cancel a retirement tax. He called for the chaos to end and for calm to return. He said: "No anger justifies attacking a police officer...or damaging a shop or public building. When violence is unleashed, freedom ends."


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Yellow Vests Protests - Level 6

France is experiencing social unrest it has not experienced for generations. The country famous for its revolutions and protests has been rocked by a serious of nationwide, violent demonstrations. Hundreds of thousands of people have taken to the streets for the past four weekends and have brought chaos to businesses, transport and the French economy. The protests are being led by the Yellow Vests Movement, so called because protestors don high-visibility yellow jackets usually worn by the emergency services. The protests are motivated by rising fuel prices, the high cost of living, and claims that an unequal burden of new tax reforms were falling on the working and middle classes.

France's President Emmanuel Macron has declared "a state of social and economic emergency". The violence has caused over a billion dollars in damages so far. This figure is set to rise as more demos are planned. Paris has suffered the brunt of the protests and authorities are closing famous sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre. To quell public anger, Mr Macron has promised to cancel his proposed rise in fuel prices, deliver tax relief for the poor and cancel a tax on retired people. He called for the havoc and mayhem to end and for calm and order to return. He said: "No anger justifies attacking a police officer...or damaging a shop or public building. When violence is unleashed, freedom ends."


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