Would you like to be ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision to see in the dark? One day this might be ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision . Scientists have done tests on mice and have given them the ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision to see near-infrared ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision . This is a kind of light wave that mice (and humans) cannot ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision see. Research teams from the University of Science and Technology of China and the University of Massachusetts Medical School changed the ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision of the test mice. They injected special nanoparticles into their eyes. These tiny ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision let the mice see better in the dark. The effect of the ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision lasted for around 10 weeks. The ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision said the eyesight of the mice was not damaged and the eyes did not suffer from any ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision effects. The ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision is now published in the research journal 'Cell'. The researchers say they hope the ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision tests could be done with humans. Researcher Dr Tian Xue explained what he hopes for the ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision . He said: "Human beings have been trying to develop ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision technology to enable abilities that are beyond our ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision abilities." He said future tests could let humans see ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision in the dark that they cannot see now. Dr Tian added: "Another cool ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision about this potential ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision is that it wouldn't require a person to wear heavy and energy-intensive ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision , such as night-vision goggles." He also said: "The military will very ability able equipment future injections light likely natural new normally particles possible research same scientists side technology thing things vision be interested in this work.