Discussion Questions - Listening

Listen to the 20 Questions.

  • Put the words below in the correct order to make the questions.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • ...or look below to see the 20 Questions.
1. you the headline? did What read think when you

2. in 'weightlifting'? mind word when the are images you What your hear

3. show Game know do the about What of Thrones? you

4. think do you What of weightlifting?

5. How lift? can think weight you do you much

6. do you weightlifting? Why people think like

7. weight everybody strong? do training Should stay to

8. world to like What record break? would you

9. Is sport? a weightlifting

10. with the time When last you roared was delight?

11. like article? Did reading this you

12. 'record'? word when you the you think What of do hear

13. what you read? What about think you do

14. you World's Would to the competition? Strongest watch Man like

15. about are and bad good being a "man the What things mountain"?

16. are of? extremely you proud What

17. last wrong? the time was you someone When proved

18. When you speechless? the last was were time

19. story? three What describe adjectives this best

20. would What like to you questions ask Bjornsson? Mr

Back to the weightlifting lesson.

Weightlifting - The 20 Questions

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
  1. What did you think when you read the headline?
  2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'weightlifting'?
  3. What do you know about the show Game of Thrones?
  4. What do you think of weightlifting?
  5. How much weight do you think you can lift?
  6. Why do you think people like weightlifting?
  7. Should everybody do weight training to stay strong?
  8. What world record would you like to break?
  9. Is weightlifting a sport?
  10. When was the last time you roared with delight?

STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
  1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'record'?
  3. What do you think about what you read?
  4. Would you like to watch the World's Strongest Man competition?
  5. What are the good and bad things about being a "man mountain"?
  6. What are you extremely proud of?
  7. When was the last time you proved someone wrong?
  8. When was the last time you were speechless?
  9. What three adjectives best describe this story?
  10. What questions would you like to ask Mr Bjornsson?

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