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Gigantic "terror crocodiles" that as large as buses once the Earth. This terrifying picture comes from a study that was this week in the "Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology". The study from universities in the USA. Researchers who experts in paleontology - the study of dinosaurs - studied ancient bones in North America. They said that the dinosaurs along the Pacific and Atlantic coasts of what is now Canada and the USA. The giant beasts on other dinosaurs and were up to ten metres in length. The researchers that the prehistoric crocodiles razor-sharp teeth that were the size of large bananas.

Co-author of the study Dr Adam Cossette details of how he thought the crocodiles lived. He said they between 75 and 82 million years ago and are the ancestors of today's crocodiles and alligators. He about his research on the bone parts he . He said: "Until now, the complete animal unknown. These new specimens we've examined a bizarre, monstrous predator with teeth the size of bananas." He added that it was, "a giant that must have terrorised other dinosaurs that to the water's edge to ." Another co-author of the study how scary the beast was. She wrote: "It was so enormous, almost everything in its habitat on the menu."

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