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A new study has archaeologists to that the world's first war was in Sudan. Researchers from France and the UK have re-examined 61 human skeletons from a site at Jebel Sahaba in the Nile Valley in Northern Sudan. The skeletons are 13,400 years old and were in the 1960s. For decades, scientists the millennia-old humans were in a one-off massacre. New research on injuries by the early humans revealed that they killed during a longer war that place over several years. The skeletons are now as evidence of the earliest example of organized warfare between humans. Furthermore, the war was probably by climate change.

The researchers a deeper investigation into injuries on the skeletons at Jebel Sahaba. The scientists said the injuries were as a result of weapons such as arrows and spears. They were likely during a series of conflicts or battles over several decades. The researchers believe conflicts as rival tribes competed for food and water that in limited supply because of dramatic changes in climate 11,000 to 20,000 years ago. At this time, ice a lot of the Northern Hemisphere. This flooding and major changes to the availability of farmland. A researcher said: "These changes not gradual at all. People had to these changes, which brutal."

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