Articles - 'a', 'an' and 'the'


  • Choose the missing articles (a, an or the) in the spaces.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

   a      a      A      a      A      a      a      an      The      the      the      The      the      the      the      the      the      the  
Group of Seven Leaders' Summit has concluded with promises to build back better world. The leaders even coined phrase and abbreviation for their shared vision. It is called Build Back Better World plan, shortened to B3W. fundamental feature of this plan, that has been signed by all G7 leaders, is to embark on series of global economic initiatives. White House statement said: "Through B3W, G7 and other like-minded partners will coordinate in mobilizing private-sector capital in four areas of focus - climate, health and health security, digital technology, and gender equity and equality." It will help fund infrastructure projects and improve trade routes between East Asia and Europe.

White House also announced plans for other continents. It said: "B3W will be global in scope, from Latin America and Caribbean to Africa to the Indo-Pacific. Different G7 partners will have different geographic orientations, but sum of initiative will cover low- and middle-income countries across world." Another promise to come from Summit was to vaccinate a billion people in poorer countries. UK leader Boris Johnson said this was " big step towards vaccinating world". Other pledges included improving early warning systems to prepare for future health crises, supporting green revolution that cuts CO2 emissions, and getting 40 million more girls into education by 2026.

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