Speed Reading — Lickable TV - Level 0 — 100 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 200 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

You can soon taste the food you see on cooking shows. Professor Homei Miyashita made a model TV screen that you can lick. It is called "Taste the TV" (TTTV). Miyashita said it could become "taste-a-vision". Miyashita hopes technology can move on from just pictures and sound. We can also use our sense of taste on TTTV.

Professor Miyashita's TTTV screen copies food flavours. It is like a printer. It has 10 cartridges that spray flavours onto the screen. The TV viewer can lick this to try the taste. The professor wants people to experience eating at a restaurant on the other side of the world, "even while staying at home". TTTV will cost about $870.

Back to the lickable TV lesson.

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