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We all that water is the source of life on Earth. No plant, insect, animal or human can without it. A new study how important it is to our health and to living longer. The study is from the National Institutes of Health in the USA. Researchers that people who drank a lot of water every day healthier and lived longer than those who didn't. The research team said people who stay well hydrated fewer serious health problems and age-related illnesses, like heart and lung disease. They that adults who did not enough water were more likely to at a younger age. These adults were also more likely to signs of ageing.

The researchers at health data from 11,255 adults over a 30-year period. They the information of patients who had a hospital at least five times. The first three times when the patients were in their 50s, and the last two times were when they aged between 70 and 90. Dr Natalia Dmitrieva, lead researcher of the study, said: "The results that proper hydration may down ageing and prolong a disease-free life." She people to drink more fluids, like water and juice, and fruit and vegetables with a high water content. She added that half of people worldwide do not enough. The average adult needs to at least 1.5 litres of water every day.

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