Gap Fill - Letters - Level 6


  • Choose the correct word from the drop-down menus below.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

   destination      envelope      journey      longer      overseas      paper      person      sea      slight      street   

Paragraph 2

Before the Internet, people wrote letters on . They then put these letters in an . The sender then bought a stamp from a post office and stuck it on the envelope. They then put it in a mail box in the . A postal worker would collect the envelope and the letter would begin its . It usually took a few days to reach its , if the address was in the same country. It could take weeks if the address was . It sailed on a ship and was called " mail". Later, airplanes transported mail and we used "air mail". However, there was a problem with the letter that arrived 107 years late. The to whom it was addressed was no living. He passed away in 1951.

Try the sentence jumble.

Back to the post office letter lesson.

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