Discussion Questions - Listening

Listen to the 20 Questions.

  • Put the words below in the correct order to make the questions.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • ...or look below to see the 20 Questions.
1. you the headline? did What read think when you

2. in 'auction'? mind word when the are images you What your hear

3. do What you of auctions? think

4. What you like to at an auction? buy would

5. you white think What do of rhinos?

6. you auction? rhino think What do white the of

7. to can rhino? we How help the white protect

8. of do of you Hume's Mr think the project? success What

9. rhino breeding set up Should projects? governments

10. Hume? advice do you for What Mr have

11. Did this reading like article? you

12. when do think hear word 'rhino'? What the of you you

13. read? think you about you do What what

14. rhinos How if you would went feel extinct?

15. stop to poachers? What do we should

16. get? poachers should What punishment

17. all there that Should be be kept together? the rhinos a condition

18. you the buy or super-yacht? a Would rhinos

19. might rhinos Why underdogs? be

20. questions Mr to you What would like ask Hume?

Back to the rhino auction lesson.

White Rhinos - The 20 Questions

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
  1. What did you think when you read the headline?
  2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'auction'?
  3. What do you think of auctions?
  4. What would you like to buy at an auction?
  5. What do you think of white rhinos?
  6. What do you think of the white rhino auction?
  7. How can we help to protect the white rhino?
  8. What do you think of the success of Mr Hume's project?
  9. Should governments set up rhino breeding projects?
  10. What advice do you have for Mr Hume?

STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
  1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'rhino'?
  3. What do you think about what you read?
  4. How would you feel if rhinos went extinct?
  5. What should we do to stop poachers?
  6. What punishment should poachers get?
  7. Should there be a condition that all the rhinos be kept together?
  8. Would you buy the rhinos or a super-yacht?
  9. Why might rhinos be underdogs?
  10. What questions would you like to ask Mr Hume?

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