Speed Reading — Social Media - Level 1 — 300 wpm

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Social media has changed the world. The USA's top doctor said one bad thing is it can cause mental health problems. Dr Vivek Murthy wants mental health warnings to be put on social media sites. He is worried that youngsters see too much sexual and violent content online. He said it was time to put warning labels on social media sites. The label would say social media is linked to mental health harms in young people.

In 2023, Murthy warned that social media could harm the mental health of children. In his recent warning, he wrote: "The mental health crisis among young people is an emergency. Social media [is] an important contributor." He also said young people spend too much time online. He said teenagers "who spend more than three hours a day on social media face double the risk of anxiety and depression".

Back to the social media health warnings lesson.

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