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Vienna has been as the world's most liveable city. It the third year the Austrian capital has won this accolade. The Economist Intelligence Unit (EIU) its annual Global Liveability Index earlier this week. The Index ranked 173 cities worldwide on a number of factors that quality of life. These culture and environment, education, healthcare, infrastructure, and stability. Vienna was "perfect" scores in all but one of the five categories. It to scoop maximum points for culture, " to a lack of major sporting events". Vienna's two million residents are with stunning architecture and a rich musical legacy.

The EIU said the average score for liveability in cities around the globe "fractionally over the past year". It that "risks to stability ". It said tensions around the world could a deterioration in the Index in coming years. Since we our survey, there have been more instances of civil unrest and demonstrations around the world, continuing stress on liveability, that is unlikely to in the near future." The CNBC website said: "The stability category the biggest decline out of all five categories this year, back by geopolitical conflict, civil unrest, as well as the ongoing housing crisis and crime across many cities."

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