Discussion Questions - Listening

Listen to the 20 Questions.

  • Put the words below in the correct order to make the questions.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • ...or look below to see the 20 Questions.
1. What did when think read you you the headline?

2. word when mind in the your What images you hear are 'heat'?

3. today's you think What of weather? do

4. of the heat? do think you What

5. the you What think of extreme do record temperatures?

6. a global serious 1.5-degree temperatures? in is How rise

7. What fossil fuels? do of you think

8. affected climate has How change you?

9. we volume we How of gas create? reduce can greenhouse the

10. climate a the oceans? warmer What to does do

11. this reading article? like Did you

12. do the think of when word What hear you 'temperature'? you

13. you do what you read? think about What

14. Has the in lot your a weather changed country?

15. do know you heat-related disasters of? What

16. What would like 53.9 life be was if day? it every degrees Celsius

17. cold scorching prefer freezing weather? hot or you Do

18. be think do you What will 2124? in like Earth

19. is How much a in? of Earth crisis

20. like What to climate scientists? ask questions you would

Back to the global temperatures lesson.

Global Temperatures - The 20 Questions

STUDENT A's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)
  1. What did you think when you read the headline?
  2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'heat'?
  3. What do you think of today's weather?
  4. What do you think of the heat?
  5. What do you think of the record extreme temperatures?
  6. How serious is a 1.5-degree rise in global temperatures?
  7. What do you think of fossil fuels?
  8. How has climate change affected you?
  9. How can we reduce the volume of greenhouse gas we create?
  10. What does a warmer climate do to the oceans?

STUDENT B's QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)
  1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
  2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'temperature'?
  3. What do you think about what you read?
  4. Has the weather changed a lot in your country?
  5. What heat-related disasters do you know of?
  6. What would life be like if it was 53.9º Celsius every day?
  7. Do you prefer scorching hot or freezing cold weather?
  8. What do you think Earth will be like in 2124?
  9. How much of a crisis is Earth in?
  10. What questions would you like to ask climate scientists?

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