Speed Reading — Secret Service - Level 1 — 100 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 200 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

The US Secret Service is facing questions after the shooting of Donald Trump. A shooter climbed onto the roof of a building just 130 metres from Mr Trump. People at the event told police there was a man with a rifle on the building. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable" and should never have happened. She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former President. The buck stops with me."

Mr Trump was speaking to supporters at a campaign rally. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's ear. Secret Service officers quickly protected Trump. They rushed him to safety to a nearby car. One man died and two people were seriously injured in the shooting. A sniper shot and killed the gunman. Mr Trump thanked God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well enough to go to a convention on Monday.

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