Word Pairs


  • Type the correct word in the boxes from the pairs of words [in brackets].
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The words
On the 23rd of May 2023, the WHO declared "with great [hoping / hope] " an end to COVID-19 [as / was] a public health emergency. Sixteen months [later / earlier] , many workers are still working [for / from] home. Retail giant Amazon has decided it is time to [send / end] its hybrid work policy. The company has told its employees they must return [to / on] a five-day week from the 2nd of January 2025. Amazon CEO Andy Jassy told [staff / stuff] in a memo that: "We've decided that we're going to return to being in the office the [how / way] we were before Covid." He said being with other staff would help workers collaborate, [sandstorm / brainstorm] , and invent. He added that teaching and learning from [one / once] another is "more seamless" in the office.

Some employees at Amazon are [unhappily / unhappy] with the return-to-office rule. Staff have a [history / historian] of telling Amazon about their concerns. [In / On] February 2023, Amazon [required / requires] its employees to be in the office for three days [the / a] week. This caused many workers at the company's Seattle headquarters [to / for] protest. They walked out of their offices. The workers also [complaint / complained] about job cuts. Amazon cut 27,000 jobs globally in early 2023. Another complaint was about Amazon's [contribute / contribution] to climate change. The workers believe that asking people to commute to work will "accelerate the climate [critics / crisis] ". Mr Jassy has created a "bureaucracy mailbox" [for / of] staff to make complaints about company rules.

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