Gap Fill - Hugging at Airports - Level 2


  • Choose the correct word from the drop-down menus below.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • After this paragraph, go to Paragraph 2.

   car      hugging      jams      limit      long      park      time      traffic      trouble      zone   

Paragraph 1

Hugging at Dunedin International Airport in New Zealand could get you in . The airport has set a three-minute on the time people can spend at the drop-off . This is to keep flowing. There has recently been a problem of traffic near the departures building. Too many people are taking too to say goodbye. The airport now has signs that say: "Max hug 3 minutes. For fonder farewells, please use the car ." People who spend longer than three minutes saying their goodbyes could get a fine or get their wheels clamped.

Now go to   Paragraph 2.

Back to the airport hugs lesson.

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