Speed Reading — Hugging at Airports - Level 1 — 200 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 300 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

Hugging at one airport in New Zealand could get you in trouble. The airport set a three-minute limit on hugging at the drop-off zone. This is to keep traffic flowing. There have been traffic jams near the departures building. People are taking too long to say goodbye. The airport now has signs that say: "Max hug time 3 minutes. For fonder farewells, please use the car park." People who spend longer than three minutes could get a fine.

The hugging policy is not popular. The airport CEO said he got many complaints. He said: "We were accused of breaching basic human rights." Someone on Facebook called the policy "inhumane". The CEO said: "Three minutes is plenty of time to pull up, say farewell to your loved ones and move on." He said airports were "hotbeds of emotion" and that a hug longer than 20 seconds was "really awkward".

Back to the airport hugs lesson.

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