Answer to Dictation 1
Coughing and sneezing were the biggest annoyances on trains.
Go to Dictation 2
Answer to Dictation 2
A total of 5,314 train passengers responded to a JPRA survey on behaviour.
Go to Dictation 3
Answer to Dictation 3
An association spokesperson attributed this to remaining effects of Covid 19.
Go to Dictation 4
Answer to Dictation 4
Ingrained the importance of consideration for others as a norm.
Go to Dictation 5
Answer to Dictation 5
When someone nearby coughs or sneezes without wearing a mask.
Go to Dictation 6
Answer to Dictation 6
The JPRA has been conducting its polls since 1999 to gauge how people feel.
Go to Dictation 7
Answer to Dictation 7
It said 50.5 per cent of survey respondents cited coughing.
Go to Dictation 8
Answer to Dictation 8
Other sources of irritation on trains included people stretching their legs.
Go to Dictation 9
Answer to Dictation 9
Strong scents from perfume or fabric softeners and poor manners.
Go to Dictation 10
Answer to Dictation 10
The number of riders has increased on Japan's trains due to a rise in tourists.
See the annoying behaviour lesson for the whole text.
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