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reveal respond top attribute say ingrain add feel cough sneeze
conduct gauge feel promote cite include make alight be increase
A recent study from the Japan Private Railway Association (JPRA) that coughing and sneezing were the biggest annoyances on trains. A total of 5,314 train passengers to a JPRA survey on behaviour and manners on trains and at stations. "Coughing and sneezing without consideration for others" the list of passenger gripes. An association spokesperson this to remaining effects of Covid-19. He : "The coronavirus pandemic may have the importance of consideration for others as a norm." He : "More people likely greater anxiety than before the pandemic when someone nearby or sneezes without a mask."

The JPRA has been its polls since 1999 to how people about their fellow passengers. It hopes to better behaviour in the future. It said 50.5 per cent of survey respondents coughing and sneezing as their top annoyance. Other sources of irritation on trains people stretching their legs, people not moving over to space for others wanting to sit down, and noisy conversations. The JPRA added that "strong scents from perfume or fabric softeners" and "poor manners during boarding and such as blocking doors" fourth and fifth on the list. The number of riders has on Japan's trains due to a rise in tourists visiting Japan.

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