A small town in Italy has passed acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing requiring people to use only acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing fireworks in displays and acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing . The new measure is to ensure the acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing of dogs and other pets. The town of Collecchio in the acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing of Parma has decided that the acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing of its pets is more important than the sound of explosions that normally accompanies fireworks. The more acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing hearing of animals causes them to develop a condition known as ' acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing stress' that follows sudden and loud noises. The sounds and smoke created by fireworks can cause additional health problems in animals. Vets commonly report acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing of nausea, tremors and increased acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing in animals after a fireworks show. Awareness of the acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing problems created by the sound of fireworks is growing in Europe. Over the New Year, Germany banned fireworks near acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing shelters to minimise trauma experienced by refugees who had acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing fled war zones. Fireworks are also known to cause acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing for war acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing . The explosions bring back painful memories of being in acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing of conflict and can trigger post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD). However, not acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing agrees with the idea of silent fireworks. Antonio Maldini said: "You need the booms, cracks and acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing . It's an essential part of the acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing ." He advised pet owners to keep animals indoors and keep all windows acoustic anxiety areas cases celebrations everyone firmly fun just legislation potential problems province refugee sensitive silent thunder veterans welfare wellbeing closed.