The Reading / Listening - Team Sports - Level 3

Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training as part of a sports team is the best way to improve all-round fitness. The researchers said team sport players are as good at endurance and have as much stamina as long-distance runners, and are as strong as bodybuilders. This is because of the different types of exercise team players do. The researchers said the key to all-round fitness is to combine building your strength with combining your endurance and stamina. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was best for all-round fitness. It also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was a good alternative to going to the gym.

The study looked at 228 athletes aged 17 to 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87 endurance athletes, such as cyclists, skiers and long-distance runners; 77 power athletes, such as sprinters and bodybuilders; and 64 team athletes who played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers tested athletes on their muscle power and their ability to jump from a standing position. Researchers also tested the athletes' oxygen use during hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens said his study showed that "endurance training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes" was beneficial. He said team players have the best of both worlds.

Try the same news story at these easier levels:

    Team Sports - Level 0 Team Sports - Level 1   or  Team Sports - Level 2


Make sure you try all of the online activities for this reading and listening - There are dictations, multiple choice, drag and drop activities, crosswords, hangman, flash cards, matching activities and a whole lot more. Please enjoy :-)


1. TEAM SPORTS: Students walk around the class and talk to other students about team sports. Change partners often and share your findings.
2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article. What will the article say about them? What can you say about these words and your life?
       researchers / university / training / sports team / fitness / bodybuilder / strength /
       endurance / athletes / muscle power / ability / measure / aerobic / beneficial / worlds
Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.
3. STAMINA: Students A strongly believe stamina is more important than strength; Students B strongly believe strength is more important than stamina.  Change partners again and talk about your conversations.
4. FITNESS: How beneficial are these things to fitness? How much do you like them? Why? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.



How much you like this










The gym
















ESL resource book with copiable worksheets and handouts - 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers / English teachers
See a sample

5. TEAM: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "team". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
6. SPORTS: Rank these with your partner. Put the best sports at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.

  • basketball
  • Formula 1
  • golf
  • skiing
  • football
  • cycling
  • tennis
  • athletics



    Paragraph 1

      1. researcher a. The ability to do physical activity for very, very, very long periods of time.
      2. improve b. A person who carries out academic or scientific studies.
      3. endurance c. The power to continue through an unpleasant or difficult process or situation without stopping.
      4. stamina d. Join things together.
      5. key e. A possible choice for another thing.
      6. combine f. Make things / something / someone better.
      7. alternative g. Really, really important.

    Paragraph 2

      8. sprinter h. Find out the size, length, weight, etc. of something.
      9. muscle i. Favorable or advantageous; good for you.
      10. position j. Exercise that improves the body's heart and cardiovascular system.
      11. measure k. A way in which someone or something is placed or arranged.
      12. oxygen l. A gas we need to breathe; 02.
      13. aerobic m. An athlete who races over short distances.
      14. beneficial n. The parts of your body you can make bigger to give you more power.


Before reading / listening

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).

  1. A university said individual sports are best for all-round fitness.     T / F
  2. Researchers said team sport players have stamina and strength.     T / F
  3. Researchers say cycling is very good for all-round fitness.     T / F
  4. A researcher said doing the housework is a good form of exercise.     T / F
  5. Researchers looked at over 200 different athletes.     T / F
  6. Researchers checked how well athletes could jump from a great height.   T / F
  7. Researchers tested the oxygen in the air athletes trained in.     T / F
  8. A researcher said team players live in two different worlds.     T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. improve
  2. strong
  3. key
  4. combine
  5. alternative
  6. study
  7. tested
  8. measure
  9. training
  10. beneficial
  1. mix
  2. exercise
  3. research
  4. powerful
  5. calculate
  6. helpful
  7. better
  8. examined
  9. answer
  10. substitute

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

  1. the best way to
  2. have as much stamina
  3. the key
  4. energetically
  5. a good alternative to
  6. The study looked at 228 athletes
  7. muscle
  8. their ability to jump from
  9. measure aerobic
  10. team players have the
  1. to all-round fitness
  2. endurance
  3. doing housework
  4. aged 17 to 37
  5. a standing position
  6. improve all-round fitness
  7. best of both worlds
  8. as long-distance runners
  9. going to the gym
  10. power

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training as (1) ____________ of a sports team is the best way to improve all-round (2) ____________. The researchers said team sport players are as good at endurance and have as much (3) ____________ as long-distance runners, and are as (4) ____________ as bodybuilders. This is because of the different (5) ____________ of exercise team players do. The researchers said the key to all-round fitness is to (6) ____________ building your strength with combining your endurance and stamina. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was (7) ____________ for all-round fitness. It also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was a good (8) ____________ to going to the gym.

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

The study looked at 228 (9) ____________ aged 17 to 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87 (10) ____________ athletes, such as cyclists, skiers and long-distance (11) ____________, 77 power athletes, such as sprinters and bodybuilders; and 64 team athletes who played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers tested athletes on their (12) ____________ power and their ability to jump from a (13) ____________ position. Researchers also tested the athletes' oxygen use (14) ____________ hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens said his study showed that "endurance training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes" was (15) ____________. He said team players have the best of both (16) ____________.

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1)  part of a sports team is the best way to improve ______
     a.  all-round fit nest
     b.  all-around fitness
     c.  all-round finesse
     d.  all-round fitness
2)  good at endurance and have as much stamina as long-______
     a.  distances runners
     b.  distance runner
     c.  distances runner
     d.  distance runners
3)  The researchers said the key to all-round fitness is to combine ______
     a.  build in your strength
     b.  build din your strength
     c.  bill din your strength
     d.  building your strength
4)  strength with combining your endurance ______
     a.  and stamina
     b.  end stamina
     c.  and stem in a
     d.  and stem inner
5)  energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was ______
     a.  a goodly alternatively
     b.  a good alternative
     c.  a goodness alternative
     d.  a good alternatively

6)  The study looked at 228 athletes ______
     a.  ages 17 to 37
     b.  age 17 to 37
     c.  ageing 17 to 37
     d.  aged 17 to 37
7)  There were 87 endurance athletes, such as ______ ...
     a.  cyclist, skiers and
     b.  cyclists, skiers and
     c.  cyclists, skier and
     d.  cyclist, skier and
8)  tested athletes on their muscle power and their ability to jump from ______
     a.  a stand in position
     b.  a standing position
     c.  a standing positions
     d.  the standing position
9)  the athletes' oxygen use during hard exercise to measure ______
     a.  aerobic endurance
     b.  aerobic endure ants
     c.  aerobic endure rants
     d.  aerobic end your rants
10)  training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes ______
     a.  was benefits all
     b.  was beneficially
     c.  was beneficial
     d.  was been a fish all

Listening — Listen and fill in the gaps

Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training (1) ___________________ a sports team is the best way to improve all-round fitness. The researchers said team sport players are as good at endurance and have (2) ___________________ as long-distance runners, and are as strong as bodybuilders. This is because of the different types of exercise team players do. The researchers said (3) ___________________ all-round fitness (4) ___________________ building your strength with combining your (5) ___________________. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was best for all-round fitness. It also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was (6) ___________________ to going to the gym.

The study looked at 228 athletes (7) ___________________ 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87 endurance athletes, such (8) ___________________ and long-distance runners; 77 power athletes, such as sprinters and bodybuilders; and 64 (9) ___________________ played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers tested athletes on their muscle power and their (10) ___________________ from a standing position. Researchers also tested the athletes' (11) ___________________ hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens said his study showed that "endurance training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes" was beneficial. He said team players have the best (12) ___________________.

Comprehension questions

  1. From which city is the university at which this research was done?
  2. Who did researchers say team sport players have the endurance of?
  3. What should athletes combine with endurance and stamina for fitness?
  4. What sports besides running and swimming did researchers suggest?
  5. What thing did researchers suggest was good to climb for fitness?
  6. How old were the athletes that researchers looked at?
  7. How many power athletes did the researchers look at?
  8. What ability in the athletes did the researchers test?
  9. What did researchers test the athletes' use of?
  10. What did the researchers say team players had the best of?

Multiple choice quiz

1) From which city is the university at which this research was done?
a) London
b) Manchester
c) Boston
d) New York
2) Who did researchers say team sport players have the endurance of?
a) Tour de France cyclists
b) tri-athletes
c) weight lifters
d) long-distance runners
3) What should athletes combine with endurance and stamina for fitness?
a) strength
b) diet
c) agility
d) speed
4) What sports besides running and swimming did researchers suggest?
a) rugby
b) golf
c) cycling
d) walking
5) What thing did researchers suggest was good to climb for fitness?
a) mountains
b) stairs
c) new heights
d) tall buildings

6) How old were the athletes that researchers looked at?
a) 17 to 64
b) 17 to 87
c) 17 to 37
d) 17 to 30
7) How many power athletes did the researchers look at?
a) 64
b) 87
c) 37
d) 77
8) What ability in the athletes did the researchers test?
a) the ability to jump
b) the ability to sprint
c) the ability to lift weights
d) swimming ability
9) What did researchers test the athletes' use of?
a) oxygen
b) weights
c) gyms
d) their feet
10) What did the researchers say team players had the best of?
a) sport
b) both worlds
c) equipment
d) everything

Role play

Role  A – Football
You think football is the best sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sport. Also, tell the others which is the most boring of these (and why): cycling, golf or Formula 1.

Role  B – Cycling
You think cycling is the best sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sport. Also, tell the others which is the most boring of these (and why): football, golf or Formula 1.

Role  C – Golf
You think golf is the best sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sport. Also, tell the others which is the most boring of these (and why): cycling, football or Formula 1.

Role  D – Formula 1
You think Formula 1 is the best sport. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their sport. Also, tell the others which is the most boring of these (and why): cycling, golf or football.

After reading / listening

1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words...


  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • and 'sport'.

  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • • Share your findings with your partners.

    • Make questions using the words you found.

    • Ask your partner / group your questions.

    2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

    •Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask your partner / group your questions.

    3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

    4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

    5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

    • 37
    • 87
    • tested
    • use
    • showed
    • both
    • part
    • improve
    • strong
    • types
    • key
    • stairs

    Student survey

    Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.

    (Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

    Discussion - Team sport training best for all-round fitness

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    1. What did you think when you read the headline?
    2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'team'?
    3. What team sports do you like to play?
    4. What team sports do you like to watch?
    5. How good is your all-round fitness?
    6. What do you do to improve your fitness?
    7. Do you prefer individual or team sports?
    8. Why might team players do more types of exercises?
    9. How good is doing housework for all-round fitness?
    10. What activities are a good alternative to the gym?

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
    2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'sport'?
    3. What do you think about what you read?
    4. What team sports do you dislike?
    5. How much stamina do you have?
    6. Would you prefer long-distance cycling, swimming or running?
    7. How much do you like exercise?
    8. Who is your favourite sports star?
    9. What is your favourite sports team?
    10. What questions would you like to ask the researchers?

    Discussion — Write your own questions

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    (a) ________________

    (b) ________________

    (c) ________________

    (d) ________________

    (e) ________________

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    (f) ________________

    (g) ________________

    (h) ________________

    (i) ________________

    (j) ________________

    Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

    Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training (1) ____ part of a sports team is the best way to (2) ____ all-round fitness. The researchers said team sport players are as good at endurance and have as much stamina as long-distance runners, and are as (3) ____ as bodybuilders. This is because of the different types of exercise team players do. The researchers said the (4) ____ to all-round fitness is to combine building your strength with combining your endurance and stamina. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was best (5) ____ all-round fitness. It also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was a good (6) ____ to going to the gym.

    The study looked at 228 athletes (7) ____ 17 to 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87 endurance athletes, such as cyclists, skiers and long-distance runners; 77 power athletes, (8) ____ as sprinters and bodybuilders, and 64 team athletes who played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers tested athletes (9) ____ their muscle power and their ability to jump from a standing position. Researchers also tested the athletes' oxygen (10) ____ during hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens said his study (11) ____ that "endurance training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes" was beneficial. He said team players have the best of both (12) ____.

    Which of these words go in the above text?

    1. (a)     was     (b)     has     (c)     past     (d)     as    
    2. (a)     improvise     (b)     improves     (c)     improvement     (d)     improve    
    3. (a)     strength     (b)     strong     (c)     strongly     (d)     strongish    
    4. (a)     lock     (b)     padlock     (c)     key     (d)     solve    
    5. (a)     of     (b)     at     (c)     for     (d)     to    
    6. (a)     alternative     (b)     alternate     (c)     alter     (d)     alternator    
    7. (a)     age     (b)     aged     (c)     ageing     (d)     ageless    
    8. (a)     such     (b)     much     (c)     touch     (d)     pouch    
    9. (a)     at     (b)     on     (c)     off     (d)     up    
    10. (a)     abuse     (b)     misuse     (c)     use     (d)     user    
    11. (a)     showing     (b)     shower     (c)     showed     (d)     show    
    12. (a)     wards     (b)     words     (c)     wields     (d)     worlds


    Paragraph 1

    1. the best way to ipemrvo all-round fitness
    2. sport players are as good at audcerenn
    3. have as much anaismt
    4. long-nitacsed runners
    5. lneigeyrtaelc doing housework
    6. a good eitlvnaarte to going to the gym

    Paragraph 2

    1. athletes such as citysscl
    2. their mesucl power
    3. jump from a standing tsioiopn
    4. tested the athletes' xygeno use
    5. during hard exercise to usmraee
    6. was lefcabeiin

    Put the text back together

    (...)  because of the different types of exercise team players do. The researchers said the key to all-
    (...)  way to improve all-round fitness. The researchers said team sport players are as good
    (...)  oxygen use during hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens
    (...)  doing housework and climbing stairs was a good alternative to going to the gym.
    (...)  and stamina. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was best for all-round fitness. It also said energetically
    (...)  power and their ability to jump from a standing position. Researchers also tested the athletes'
    1  ) Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training as part of a sports team is the best
    (...)  The study looked at 228 athletes aged 17 to 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87
    (...)  bodybuilders, and 64 team athletes who played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers tested athletes on their muscle
    (...)  said his study showed that "endurance training for power athletes and power training
    (...)  for endurance athletes" was beneficial. He said team players have the best of both worlds.
    (...)  endurance athletes, such as cyclists, skiers and long-distance runners; 77 power athletes, such as sprinters and
    (...)  round fitness is to combine building your strength with combining your endurance
    (...)  at endurance and have as much stamina as long-distance runners, and are as strong as bodybuilders. This is

    Put the words in the right order

    1. sports   team   .   part   Training   a   of   as
    2. best   way   to   fitness   .   The   all-round   improve
    3. of   types   of   exercise   .   is   This   because   the
    4. all-round   was   fitness   .   for   Swimming   best
    5. alternative   A   going   good   gym   .   to   to   the
    6. at   athletes   17   to   37   study   .   aged   The   looked
    7. from   to   jump   standing   Their   ability   a   position   .
    8. oxygen   Researchers   the   tested   also   use   .   athletes'
    9. endurance   Power   for   was   beneficial   .   athletes   training
    10. players   best   both   have   Team   worlds   .   the   of

    Circle the correct word (20 pairs)

    Researchers from a university in Manchester in the UK have said that training was / as part of a sports team is the best way to improve / improvement all-round fitness. The researchers said team sport players are as good at endure / endurance and have as much stamina as / has long-distance runs / runners, and are as strong as bodybuilders. This is because of the different types / typical of exercise team players do. The researchers said the key / lock to all-round fitness is to combine building your strength with combining / combing your endurance and stamina. The research team said cycling, running or swimming was best / beset for all-round fitness. It also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was a good alternatively / alternative to going to the gym.

    The study looked at 228 athletics / athletes aged 17 to 37 who studied at the Lithuanian Sports University. There were 87 endurance athletes, such as cyclists, skis / skiers and long-distance runners; 77 power athletes, such as sprinters / sprints and bodybuilders, and 64 team athletes who played basketball, football and volleyball. The researchers testing / tested athletes on their muscle power and their able / ability to jump from a standing / stood position. Researchers also tested the athletes' oxygen use / breath during hard exercise to measure / measurement aerobic endurance. Professor Hans Degens said his study showed that "endurance training for power athletes and / also power training for endurance athletes" was beneficial. He said team players have the best of both words / worlds.

    Talk about the connection between each pair of words in italics, and why the correct word is correct.

    Insert the vowels (a, e, i, o, u)

    R_s__ r c h_r s f r_m _ _n_v_r s_t y _n M_n c h_s t_r _n t h_ U K h_v_ s__ d t h_t t r__ n_n g _s p_r t _f _ s p_r t s t__ m _s t h_ b_s t w_y t_ _m p r_v_ _l l - r__ n d f_t n_s s . T h_ r_s__ r c h_r s s__ d t__ m s p_r t p l_y_r s _r_ _s g__ d _t _n d_r_n c_ _n d h_v_ _s m_c h s t_m_n_ _s l_n g - d_s t_n c_ r_n n_r s , _n d _r_ _s s t r_n g _s b_d y b__ l d_r s . T h_s _s b_c__ s_ _f t h_ d_f f_r_n t t y p_s _f _x_r c_s_ t__ m p l_y_r s d_. T h_ r_s__ r c h_r s s__ d t h_ k_y t_ _l l - r__ n d f_t n_s s _s t_ c_m b_n_ b__ l d_n g y__ r s t r_n g t h w_t h c_m b_n_n g y__ r _n d_r_n c_ _n d s t_m_n_. T h_ r_s__ r c h t__ m s__ d c y c l_n g , r_n n_n g _r s w_m m_n g w_s b_s t f_r _l l - r__ n d f_t n_s s . I t _l s_ s__ d _n_r g_t_c_l l y d__ n g h__ s_w_r k _n d c l_m b_n g s t__ r s w_s _ g__ d _l t_r n_t_v_ t_ g__ n g t_ t h_ g y m .

    T h_ s t_d y l__ k_d _t 2 2 8 _t h l_t_s _g_d 1 7 t_ 3 7 w h_ s t_d__ d _t t h_ L_t h__ n__ n S p_r t s U n_v_r s_t y . T h_r_ w_r_ 8 7 _n d_r_n c_ _t h l_t_s , s_c h _s c y c l_s t s , s k__ r s _n d l_n g - d_s t_n c_ r_n n_r s , 7 7 p_w_r _t h l_t_s , s_c h _s s p r_n t_r s _n d b_d y b__ l d_r s , _n d 6 4 t__ m _t h l_t_s w h_ p l_y_d b_s k_t b_l l , f__ t b_l l _n d v_l l_y b_l l . T h_ r_s__ r c h_r s t_s t_d _t h l_t_s _n t h__ r m_s c l_ p_w_r _n d t h__ r _b_l_t y t_ j_m p f r_m _ s t_n d_n g p_s_t__ n . R_s__ r c h_r s _l s_ t_s t_d t h_ _t h l_t_s ' _x y g_n _s_ d_r_n g h_r d _x_r c_s_ t_ m__ s_r_ __ r_b_c _n d_r_n c_. P r_f_s s_r H_n s D_g_n s s__ d h_s s t_d y s h_w_d t h_t "_n d_r_n c_ t r__ n_n g f_r p_w_r _t h l_t_s _n d p_w_r t r__ n_n g f_r _n d_r_n c_ _t h l_t_s " w_s b_n_f_c__ l . H_ s__ d t__ m p l_y_r s h_v_ t h_ b_s t _f b_t h w_r l d s .

    Punctuate the text and add capitals

    researchers from a university in manchester in the uk have said that training as part of a sports team is the best way to improve allround fitness the researchers said team sport players are as good at endurance and have as much stamina as longdistance runners and are as strong as bodybuilders this is because of the different types of exercise team players do the researchers said the key to allround fitness is to combine building your strength with combining your endurance and stamina the research team said cycling running or swimming was best for allround fitness it also said energetically doing housework and climbing stairs was a good alternative to going to the gym

    the study looked at 228 athletes aged 17 to 37 who studied at the lithuanian sports university there were 87 endurance athletes such as cyclists skiers and longdistance runners 77 power athletes such as sprinters and bodybuilders and 64 team athletes who played basketball football and volleyball the researchers tested athletes on their muscle power and their ability to jump from a standing position researchers also tested the athletes oxygen use during hard exercise to measure aerobic endurance professor hans degens said his study showed that endurance training for power athletes and power training for endurance athletes was beneficial he said team players have the best of both worlds

    Put a slash (/) where the spaces are


    Free writing

    Write about team sport for 10 minutes. Comment on your partner’s paper.











    Academic writing

    Team sports are better than individual sports. Discuss.












    1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google's search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
    2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.
    3. FITNESS: Make a poster about fitness. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?
    4. TEAM SPORTS: Write a magazine article about team sports being better than individual sports. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this.
    Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).
    5. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Write a newspaper article about the next stage in this news story. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.
    6. TEAM SPORTS: Write a letter to an expert on team sports. Ask him/her three questions about team sports. Give him/her three of your ideas on fitness. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

    A Few Additional Activities for Students

    Ask your students what they have read, seen or heard about this news in their own language. Students are likely to / may have have encountered this news in their L1 and therefore bring a background knowledge to the classroom.

    Get students to role play different characters from this news story.

    Ask students to keep track of this news and revisit it to discuss in your next class.

    Ask students to male predictions of how this news might develop in the next few days or weeks, and then revisit and discuss in a future class.

    Ask students to write a follow-up story to this news.

    Students role play a journalist and someone who witnessed or was a part of this news. Perhaps they could make a video of the interview.

    Ask students to keep a news journal in English and add this story to their thoughts.


    Buy my 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers eBook. It has hundreds of ideas, activity templates, reproducible activities for:

    • News
    • Warm ups
    • Pre-reading / Post-reading
    • Using headlines
    • Working with words
    • While-reading / While-listening
    • Moving from text to speech
    • Post-reading / Post-listening
    • Discussions
    • Using opinions
    • Plans
    • Language
    • Using lists
    • Using quotes
    • Task-based activities
    • Role plays
    • Using the central characters in the article
    • Using themes from the news
    • Homework

    Buy my book

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    (Please look at page 26 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

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