The Reading / Listening - Endangered Species - Level 6

There is international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) agreed on Sunday to give greater protection for the marine creatures from actions such as commercial fishing and hunting. Many of the threatened species are hunted for their meat and fins. Some of the species being protected are the world's fastest shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said: "Sharks are vulnerable wildlife....Momentum is clearly building to ensure that these species, which have been around for 400 million years, continue to be around for future generations."

CITES is an international treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants. It has been signed by 182 different states, plus the European Union. There was not widespread agreement at the weekend's meeting. The focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each year by commercial fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said this figure could be as high as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in danger. They argued that there was not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as a result of fishing. The global shark fin market is estimated to be over $1.2 billion.

Try the same news story at these easier levels:

    Endangered Species - Level 4  or  Endangered Species - Level 5


Make sure you try all of the online activities for this reading and listening - There are dictations, multiple choice, drag and drop activities, crosswords, hangman, flash cards, matching activities and a whole lot more. Please enjoy :-)


1. ENDANGERED SPECIES: Students walk around the class and talk to other students about endangered species. Change partners often and share your findings.
2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article. What will the article say about them? What can you say about these words and your life?
       international / sharks / marine / creatures / fishing / wildlife / species / future /
       treaty / endangered / agreement / meeting / conservation / shark fin / estimated
Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.
3. BAN: Students A strongly believe there should be a ban on fishing for sharks and rays; Students B strongly believe there shouldn't.  Change partners again and talk about your conversations.
4. CONSERVATION: How endangered are these animals? What can we do to protect them? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.


 How in danger today are

 How we can help



















ESL resource book with copiable worksheets and handouts - 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers / English teachers
See a sample

5. MARINE: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "marine". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
6. ANIMALS: Rank these with your partner. Put the things we have to stop at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.

  • Hunting
  • Cloning
  • Keeping animals as pets
  • Farming
  • Eating animals
  • Using animal fur
  • Experimenting on animals
  • Fishing



    Paragraph 1

      1. agreement a. Of, found in, or produced by the sea.
      2. threatened b. Make certain that something shall occur or be the case.
      3. marine c. A negotiated deal between two or more people, businesses or countries to a course of action.
      4. fin d. In danger.
      5. vulnerable e. The parts of a fish or other marine animal that sticks out and helps it balance and change direction.
      6. ensure f. Weak and easy to be attacked or harmed.
      7. generations g. All of the people born and living at about the same time, regarded collectively.

    Paragraph 2

      8. treaty h. Concerned with or engaged in business.
      9. established i. A formally agreed upon and deal between countries that is acted upon.
      10. state j. Found or distributed over a large area or number of people.
      11. widespread k. The available number of facts or information showing whether a belief or proposition is true.
      12. commercial l. Set up; started.
      13. evidence m. Roughly calculate or judge the value, number, quantity, or extent of something.
      14. estimated n. A nation or territory considered as an organized political community under one government.


Before reading / listening

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).

  1. Over 20 different species will now be protected.     T / F
  2. Many sharks die because people want to eat their fins.     T / F
  3. Wedgefish and guitarfish are also on the protected species list.     T / F
  4. Sharks have been on Earth for about 400,000,000 years.     T / F
  5. The animal protection treaty in the article first started in 1953.     T / F
  6. The treaty has been signed by 182 states.     T / F
  7. Over 275 million sharks are killed every year.     T / F
  8. The global shark fin soup market is worth over $2 billion a year.     T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. international
  2. threatened
  3. creatures
  4. vulnerable
  5. momentum
  6. established
  7. widespread
  8. estimated
  9. argued
  10. evidence
  1. animals
  2. predicted
  3. set up
  4. contended
  5. endangered
  6. proof
  7. global
  8. impetus
  9. weak
  10. universal

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

  1. the protection of 18
  2. marine
  3. hunted for their meat
  4. Momentum is clearly
  5. be around for future
  6. CITES is an international
  7. signed by 182 different
  8. commercial
  9. there was not enough evidence
  10. estimated to be
  1. and fins
  2. states
  3. fishing
  4. creatures
  5. building
  6. to show that
  7. over $1.2 billion
  8. generations
  9. treaty
  10. threatened species

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

There is international (1) ____________ on the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and (2) ____________. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) agreed on Sunday to give (3) ____________ protection for the marine creatures from actions such as commercial fishing and (4) ____________. Many of the threatened species are hunted for their meat and (5) ____________. Some of the species being protected are the world's fastest shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said: "Sharks are (6) ____________ wildlife....Momentum is clearly building to (7) ____________ that these species, which have been around for 400 million years, continue to be around for (8) ____________ generations."

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

CITES is an international (9) ____________ established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants. It has been (10) ____________ by 182 different (11) ____________, plus the European Union. There was not widespread agreement at the weekend's (12) ____________. The focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each year by (13) ____________ fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said this (14) ____________ could be as high as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in danger. They argued that there was not enough (15) ____________ to show that the mako was disappearing as a (16) ____________ of fishing. The global shark fin market is estimated to be over $1.2 billion.

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened species of ______
     a.  sharks and prays
     b.  sharks and frays
     c.  sharks and trays
     d.  sharks and rays
2)  CITES agreed on Sunday to give greater protection for the ______
     a.  marine creature
     b.  marine creatives
     c.  marine creatures
     d.  marine creates
3)  Many of the threatened species are hunted for their ______
     a.  meat and fins
     b.  meat and tins
     c.  meat and bins
     d.  meat and pins
4)  Sharks are vulnerable wildlife....Momentum is clearly building ______
     a.  to insure that
     b.  to ensure that
     c.  to on sure that
     d.  two an sure that
5) have been around for 400 million years, continue to be around for ______
     a.  future generations
     b.  future generation
     c.  futurity generations
     d.  futurity generation

6)  CITES is an international treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered ______
     a.  animals and plant
     b.  animals and plants
     c.  animal and plants
     d.  animal and plant
7)  The number of sharks killed each year by commercial fishing is ______ 100 million
     a.  estimated it
     b.  estimated at
     c.  estimated that
     d.  estimate it at
8)  One conservation group said this figure could ______
     a.  be as higher
     b.  be as highs
     c.  be as height
     d.  be as high
9)  not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as a ______
     a.  result off fishing
     b.  result of fishing
     c.  result by fishing
     d.  result a fishing
10)  The global shark fin market is estimated ______ $1.2 billion
     a.  to been over
     b.  to being over
     c.  tube over
     d.  to be over

Listening — Listen and fill in the gaps

There is international agreement (1) ___________________ of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) agreed on Sunday (2) ___________________ protection for the marine creatures from actions such as commercial fishing and hunting. Many of the threatened species (3) ___________________ their meat and fins. Some of (4) ___________________ protected are the world's fastest shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said: "Sharks are vulnerable wildlife....Momentum is clearly building (5) ___________________ these species, which have been around for 400 million years, continue (6) ___________________ for future generations."

CITES is an international treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants. It has (7) ___________________ 182 different states, plus the European Union. There was (8) ___________________ at the weekend's meeting. The focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each (9) ___________________ fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said (10) ___________________ be as high as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in danger. They (11) ___________________ was not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as (12) ___________________ fishing. The global shark fin market is estimated to be over $1.2 billion.

Comprehension questions

  1. How many species were protected by an internationals agreement?
  2. What is the name of the international agreement?
  3. What is the name of the world's fastest shark?
  4. What did a conservationist say is clearly building?
  5. For how many years have sharks been around?
  6. When was the protection agreement established?
  7. How many different states have signed up to the agreement?
  8. What was the highest estimate for the number of sharks killed?
  9. How many countries disagreed about a shark being in danger?
  10. How much is the shark fin market estimated to be worth worldwide?

Multiple choice quiz

1) How many species were protected by an internationals agreement?
a) 14
b) 16
c) 18
d) 20
2) What is the name of the international agreement?
3) What is the name of the world's fastest shark?
a) the reef shark
b) Bob
c) the great white
d) the mako
4) What did a conservationist say is clearly building?
a) a list
b) momentum
c) pollution
d) anger
5) For how many years have sharks been around?
a) about 4,000,000
b) about 40 million years
c) about 400,000,000 years
d) about 4 billion years

6) When was the protection agreement established?
a) 1963
b) 1973
c) 1983
d) 1953
7) How many different states have signed up to the agreement?
a) 176
b) 178
c) 180
d) 182
8) What was the highest estimate for the number of sharks killed?
a) 285 million
b) 273 million
c) 100 million
d) 27,300,000
9) How many countries disagreed about a shark being in danger?
a) 40
b) 60
c) 50
d) 20
10) How much is the shark fin market estimated to be worth worldwide?
a) around $1.2 billion
b) exactly $1.2 billion
c) just under $1.2 billion
d) over $1.2 billion

Role play

Role  A – Eating Animals
You think eating animals is the worst thing to do to animals. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least worst of these (and why): keeping animals as pets, cloning or using animal fur.

Role  B – Keeping Animals As Pets
You think keeping animals as pets is the worst thing to do to animals. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least worst of these (and why): eating animals, cloning or using animal fur.

Role  C – Cloning
You think cloning is the worst thing to do to animals. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least worst of these (and why): keeping animals as pets, eating animals or using animal fur.

Role  D – Using Animal Fur
You think using animal fur is the worst thing to do to animals. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them what is wrong with their things. Also, tell the others which is the least worst of these (and why): keeping animals as pets, cloning or eating animals.

After reading / listening

1. WORD SEARCH: Look in your dictionary / computer to find collocates, other meanings, information, synonyms … for the words...


  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • and 'ray'.

  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • • Share your findings with your partners.

    • Make questions using the words you found.

    • Ask your partner / group your questions.

    2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

    •Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask your partner / group your questions.

    3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

    4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

    5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

    • 1973
    • 182
    • focus
    • 100
    • 273
    • market
    • 18
    • give
    • meat
    • fastest
    • vulnerable
    • future

    Student survey

    Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.

    (Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

    Discussion - Endangered sharks and rays get more protection

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    1. What did you think when you read the headline?
    2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'endangered'?
    3. What do you know about sharks?
    4. Why are sharks endangered?
    5. How can we better protect sharks?
    6. What do you think of shark fin soup?
    7. What countries should do more to help marine life?
    8. Should the hunting of sharks and rays be banned?
    9. Do you think sharks have a long future on earth?
    10. What would you say to people who fish for sharks and rays?

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
    2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'species'?
    3. What do you think about what you read?
    4. How important are wildlife treaties like CITES?
    5. What do you think of the commercial fishing of sharks?
    6. Do sharks have a good or bad image?
    7. What three adjectives best describe this article?
    8. What will our oceans be like in 100 years?
    9. Would you do anything to help conserve sharks?
    10. What questions would you like to ask the boss of CITES?

    Discussion — Write your own questions

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    (a) ________________

    (b) ________________

    (c) ________________

    (d) ________________

    (e) ________________

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    (f) ________________

    (g) ________________

    (h) ________________

    (i) ________________

    (j) ________________

    Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

    There is international agreement (1) ____ the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) (2) ____ on Sunday to give greater protection for the marine creatures from actions such (3) ____ commercial fishing and hunting. Many of the threatened species are hunted (4) ____ their meat and fins. Some of the species being protected are the world's fastest shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said: "Sharks are (5) ____ wildlife....Momentum is clearly building to ensure that these species, which have been around for 400 million years, continue to be (6) ____ for future generations."

    CITES is an international treaty (7) ____ in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants. It has been signed by 182 different states, plus the European Union. There was not (8) ____ agreement at the weekend's meeting. The focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each year by (9) ____ fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said this (10) ____ could be as high as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was (11) ____ danger. They argued that there was not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as a result of fishing. The global shark (12) ____ market is estimated to be over $1.2 billion.

    Which of these words go in the above text?

    1. (a)     in     (b)     on     (c)     at     (d)     of    
    2. (a)     referred     (b)     agreed     (c)     acrid     (d)     regarded    
    3. (a)     is     (b)     has     (c)     was     (d)     as    
    4. (a)     of     (b)     for     (c)     from     (d)     at    
    5. (a)     rabble     (b)     vulgar     (c)     culpable     (d)     vulnerable    
    6. (a)     still     (b)     roughly     (c)     around     (d)     circling    
    7. (a)     established     (b)     abolished     (c)     polished     (d)     replenished    
    8. (a)     spreadable     (b)     width     (c)     widespread     (d)     widens    
    9. (a)     campaign     (b)     notice     (c)     advertising     (d)     commercial    
    10. (a)     figure     (b)     figurine     (c)     figurative     (d)     figured    
    11. (a)     in     (b)     at     (c)     of     (d)     to    
    12. (a)     fin     (b)     gin     (c)     bin     (d)     pin


    Paragraph 1

    1. There is international aenetermg
    2. the ontrciteop of 18 threatened species
    3. aermni creatures
    4. Sharks are lbnuearevl wildlife
    5. muenommt is clearly building
    6. be around for future ngnarsoetei

    Paragraph 2

    1. alseidsbeht in 1973
    2. killed each year by olmicceram fishing
    3. seitedatm at 100 million
    4. One nooncvitrase group
    5. Forty countries aresigded
    6. there was not enough cniedeve to show that

    Put the text back together

    (...)  a result of fishing. The global shark fin market is estimated to be over $1.2 billion.
    (...)  hunted for their meat and fins. Some of the species being protected are the world's fastest shark
    (...)  CITES is an international treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants. It has been
    (...)  International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) agreed on Sunday to give greater protection for the marine
    (...)  creatures from actions such as commercial fishing and hunting. Many of the threatened species are
    (...)  been around for 400 million years, continue to be around for future generations."
    (...)  by commercial fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said this figure could be as high
    (...)  argued that there was not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as
    (  1  ) There is international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays. The Convention on
    (...)  (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said:
    (...)  "Sharks are vulnerable wildlife....Momentum is clearly building to ensure that these species, which have
    (...)  as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in danger. They
    (...)  meeting. The focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each year
    (...)  signed by 182 different states, plus the European Union. There was not widespread agreement at the weekend's

    Put the words in the right order

    1. of   of   sharks   .   threatened   18   protection   species   The
    2. the   creatures   .   protection   for   Give   marine   greater
    3. species   Many   hunted   are   threatened   their   for   meat   .
    4. protected   being   Species   world's   the   fastest   include   shark   .
    5. be   Continue   future   to   for   generations   .   around
    6. different   been   states   .   182   by   It   signed   has
    7. by   Sharks   killed   fishing   .   commercial   each   year
    8. in   that   was   shark   the   mako   danger   .   Disagreed
    9. to   not   show   enough   evidence   There   that   .   was
    10. market   over   estimated   is   The   be   $1   .2bn   .   to

    Circle the correct word (20 pairs)

    There is international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened / threatening species of sharks and rays. The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species (CITES) agreed / agree on Sunday to give greater protection for the mariner / marine creatures from actions such like / as commercial fishing and hunting. Many of the threatened species are hunting / hunted for their meat and fins. Some of the species been / being protected are the / a world's fastest shark (the mako shark), wedgefishes and guitarfishes. Luke Warwick of the Wildlife Conservation Society said: "Sharks are vulnerable / vulgar wildlife....Momentum is clearly building to ensure / insure that these species, which have been around for 400 million years, continue to be around for future generation / generations."

    CITES is an international threat / treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plant / plants. It has been signed / singed by 182 different states, plus the European Union. There was not wide span / widespread agreement at the weekend's meeting. The focus on / of the meeting was on protecting sharks. The number of sharks killed each year by commercial / commercially fishing is estimated at 100 million. One conservation group said this figurine / figure could be as high as 273 million. Forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in / on danger. They argued that there was not enough evidence to proof / show that the mako was disappearing as a result of fishing. The global shark fin market is estimate / estimated to be over $1.2 billion.

    Talk about the connection between each pair of words in italics, and why the correct word is correct.

    Insert the vowels (a, e, i, o, u)

    T h_r_ _s _n t_r n_t__ n_l _g r__ m_n t _n t h_ p r_t_c t__ n _f 1 8 t h r__ t_n_d s p_c__ s _f s h_r k s _n d r_y s . T h_ C_n v_n t__ n _n I n t_r n_t__ n_l T r_d_ _n E n d_n g_r_d S p_c__ s ( C I T E S ) _g r__ d _n S_n d_y t_ g_v_ g r__ t_r p r_t_c t__ n f_r t h_ m_r_n_ c r__ t_r_s f r_m _c t__ n s s_c h _s c_m m_r c__ l f_s h_n g _n d h_n t_n g . M_n y _f t h_ t h r__ t_n_d s p_c__ s _r_ h_n t_d f_r t h__ r m__ t _n d f_n s . S_m_ _f t h_ s p_c__ s b__ n g p r_t_c t_d _r_ t h_ w_r l d ' s f_s t_s t s h_r k ( t h_ m_k_ s h_r k ) , w_d g_f_s h_s _n d g__ t_r f_s h_s . L_k_ W_r w_c k _f t h_ W_l d l_f_ C_n s_r v_t__ n S_c__ t y s__ d : " S h_r k s _r_ v_l n_r_b l_ w_l d l_f_. . . . M_m_n t_m _s c l__ r l y b__ l d_n g t_ _n s_r_ t h_t t h_s_ s p_c__ s , w h_c h h_v_ b__ n _r__ n d f_r 4 0 0 m_l l__ n y__ r s , c_n t_n__ t_ b_ _r__ n d f_r f_t_r_ g_n_r_t__ n s . "

    C I T E S _s _n _n t_r n_t__ n_l t r__ t y _s t_b l_s h_d _n 1 9 7 3 t_ p r_t_c t _n d_n g_r_d _n_m_l s _n d p l_n t s . I t h_s b__ n s_g n_d b y 1 8 2 d_f f_r_n t s t_t_s , p l_s t h_ E_r_p__ n U n__ n . T h_r_ w_s n_t w_d_s p r__ d _g r__ m_n t _t t h_ w__ k_n d ' s m__ t_n g . T h_ f_c_s _f t h_ m__ t_n g w_s _n p r_t_c t_n g s h_r k s . T h_ n_m b_r _f s h_r k s k_l l_d __ c h y__ r b y c_m m_r c__ l f_s h_n g _s _s t_m_t_d _t 1 0 0 m_l l__ n . O n_ c_n s_r v_t__ n g r__ p s__ d t h_s f_g_r_ c__ l d b_ _s h_g h _s 2 7 3 m_l l__ n . F_r t y c__ n t r__ s d_s_g r__ d t h_t t h_ m_k_ s h_r k w_s _n d_n g_r . T h_y _r g__ d t h_t t h_r_ w_s n_t _n__ g h _v_d_n c_ t_ s h_w t h_t t h_ m_k_ w_s d_s_p p__ r_n g _s _ r_s_l t _f f_s h_n g . T h_ g l_b_l s h_r k f_n m_r k_t _s _s t_m_t_d t_ b_ _v_r $ 1 . 2 b_l l__ n .

    Punctuate the text and add capitals

    there is international agreement on the protection of 18 threatened species of sharks and rays the convention on international trade in endangered species cites agreed on sunday to give greater protection for the marine creatures from actions such as commercial fishing and hunting many of the threatened species are hunted for their meat and fins some of the species being protected are the worlds fastest shark the mako shark wedgefishes and guitarfishes luke warwick of the wildlife conservation society said sharks are vulnerable wildlife momentum is clearly building to ensure that these species which have been around for 400 million years continue to be around for future generations

    cites is an international treaty established in 1973 to protect endangered animals and plants it has been signed by 182 different states plus the european union there was not widespread agreement at the weekends meeting the focus of the meeting was on protecting sharks the number of sharks killed each year by commercial fishing is estimated at 100 million one conservation group said this figure could be as high as 273 million forty countries disagreed that the mako shark was in danger they argued that there was not enough evidence to show that the mako was disappearing as a result of fishing the global shark fin market is estimated to be over 12 billion

    Put a slash (/) where the spaces are


    Free writing

    Write about endangered species for 10 minutes. Comment on your partner’s paper.











    Academic writing

    We cannot prevent the extinction of many sharks. Discuss.












    1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google's search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
    2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.
    3. ENDANGERED SPECIES: Make a poster about endangered species. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?
    4. SHARKS: Write a magazine article about banning all fishing of sharks. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this.
    Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).
    5. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Write a newspaper article about the next stage in this news story. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.
    6. LETTER: Write a letter to an expert on endangered species. Ask him/her three questions about them. Give him/her three of your ideas on how to protect endangered species. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

    A Few Additional Activities for Students

    Ask your students what they have read, seen or heard about this news in their own language. Students are likely to / may have have encountered this news in their L1 and therefore bring a background knowledge to the classroom.

    Get students to role play different characters from this news story.

    Ask students to keep track of this news and revisit it to discuss in your next class.

    Ask students to male predictions of how this news might develop in the next few days or weeks, and then revisit and discuss in a future class.

    Ask students to write a follow-up story to this news.

    Students role play a journalist and someone who witnessed or was a part of this news. Perhaps they could make a video of the interview.

    Ask students to keep a news journal in English and add this story to their thoughts.


    Buy my 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers eBook. It has hundreds of ideas, activity templates, reproducible activities for:

    • News
    • Warm ups
    • Pre-reading / Post-reading
    • Using headlines
    • Working with words
    • While-reading / While-listening
    • Moving from text to speech
    • Post-reading / Post-listening
    • Discussions
    • Using opinions
    • Plans
    • Language
    • Using lists
    • Using quotes
    • Task-based activities
    • Role plays
    • Using the central characters in the article
    • Using themes from the news
    • Homework

    Buy my book

    $US 9.99


    (Please look at page 26 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

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