Gap Fill


  • Choose the correct word from the drop-down menus below.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.

   activities      addition      fun      importance      kinds      life      lifestyles      likely      loneliness      longer      people      plans      regularly      researcher      role      shows      things      truth      wealthy      wellbeing  
Researchers have found that who go to live concerts, and museums can live than those who do not. Experts from University College London looked at the of over 6,700 British people for 15 years. They examined how often the people went out and what of events they attended. They found that over-50s who went to concerts and shows were around 30 per cent less to die over the next 14 years. The researchers said the over-50s could extend their by engaging with the "receptive arts". These include art galleries, concerts, museums, musicals, the opera and the theatre. In to living longer, concertgoers could also have more .

Lead Dr Daisy Fancourt said money played a big in whether or not people went to concerts and engaged with the arts. She wrote: "Over 40 per cent of people in the least group reported that they never accessed cultural ." The UK Health Secretary Matt Hancock believes there could be a lot of in the research. He said arts and culture could improve like mental health, ageing and . He recently announced for the UK's National Health Service to use the arts to improve people's and health. The researchers said: "Overall, our results highlight the of continuing to explore new social factors that affect our health.

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