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reveal cause recognize draw be afflict trigger struggle tend be
diagnose speak recall hate disrespect get meet explain be speak
Hollywood heart-throb Brad Pitt has he suffers from facial blindness. This is a neurological disorder that people to find it difficult to people's faces. In more serious cases, sufferers can a blank when seeing the face of a family member or even one's own face. The condition called prosopagnosia. It is a little-known ailment that about 1 in 40 people. It often anxiety as people feel embarrassed in social situations when they to remember who people are. Sufferers to avoid situations in which they will meet people, and as a result become withdrawn. In extreme cases, they will reluctant to leave their home.

Brad Pitt, 58, says he has not been officially with prosopagnosia. He first about it in 2013. He said nobody believed him when he could not their name. He worried that people thought he was being "aloof, inaccessible and self-absorbed". He said: "People me because they think I'm them." He said he has used many strategies to around his lack of recall. He asked acquaintances where he had them before, but said that made the situation worse. He : "People were more offended....You get this thing, like, 'You're egotistical. You're being conceited.'" He hopes about facial blindness will raise awareness of it.

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