Speed Reading — Copyright Infringement - Level 1 — 200 wpm

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Try the same text at a reading speed of 300 words per minute.

This is the text (if you need help).

A.I. is changing the music business. Three big record labels are suing two A.I. start-up companies. The labels say the start-ups are infringing their copyrighted music on "an almost unimaginable scale". The labels say the start-ups are creating music that could fill the market with "machine-generated content". Record labels say this music will "cheapen and ultimately drown out the genuine sound recordings".

A.I. companies say their music is protected under a special law called "fair use". This lets people reuse copyrighted material legally. Fair use means people can use material for things like news and comedy. A start-up CEO said his technology generates "completely new output, not…pre-existing content". However, the record labels say the start-ups have created songs that sound exactly like ABBA songs. The labels want the start-ups to pay $150,000 per song.

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