Speed Reading — Copyright Infringement - Level 2 — 300 wpm

Now do this put-the-text-back-together activity.

This is the text (if you need help).

Artificial Intelligence is changing many things. Not all of the things are good. Three of the world's biggest record labels are suing two AI start-up companies. The labels say the start-ups are infringing their copyrighted music on "an almost unimaginable scale". The labels say the AI start-ups have created software to create music that could "saturate the market with machine-generated content". Record label lawyers say AI-made music, "will directly compete with, cheapen and ultimately drown out the genuine sound recordings". This could be a disaster for singers.

AI companies say their software creates music that is protected under copyright law. A special law called "fair use" lets people reuse copyrighted material legally. Fair use means people can use music for things like news reporting and comedy. A start-up company CEO defended his company. He said: "Our technology is…designed to generate completely new output, not to [repeat] pre-existing content." However, the record labels say the start-ups have created songs that sound exactly like "Dancing Queen" by ABBA. The labels want compensation of $150,000 per song.

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