Gap Fill - Eco-anxiety - Level 6


  • Choose the correct word from the drop-down menus below.
  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
  • Press the "refresh" button on your browser to play again.
  • After this paragraph, go to Paragraph 2.

   critics      dangers      diagnosis      footprints      guidelines      larger      medical      precious      topic      unethical   

Paragraph 1

Eco-anxiety is a condition affecting an increasingly number of young people worldwide. Doctors in the UK have been advised to raise the of climate change during consultations with patients. New encourage doctors to discuss the of global warming. A health consultation might now consist of a medical , along with advice on how to reduce carbon . It might also include help on how to deal with eco-anxiety. The Daily Mail newspaper cited of the guidelines who called them "seriously ". They said: "Doctors should spend their time treating patients rather than lecturing them on 'politicised issues'."

Now go to   Paragraph 2.

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