Gap Fill - Brains - Level 6


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  • Click the button at the bottom to check your answers.
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   art      colourful      connections      decades      microscope      neural      scientists      technology      types      wide   

Paragraph 2

The diagram of the fly's brain's pathways looks like a scientific work of . It is a stunning, web of neurons. The diagram is known as a connectome. To create it, the sliced the fruit fly brain into 7,000 microscopic slivers. Each of these was studied using an electron that imaged cells that were four-millionths of a millimetre . The researchers classified more than 8,400 different cell . If the neural pathways were unravelled, they would stretch for 150 metres. The human brain has 86 billion neurons and trillions of . Current could not create a connectome of our brain. That map is still away.

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