Scientists say house dust could make us fat. They say that people should keep their house amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight if they want to avoid putting on amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight . The scientists are from Duke University in the USA. They did some amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight on how dust affects mice. The researchers collected dust amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight from 11 different houses and put them in the cells of mice. Dust from nine of the houses made the mice amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight . The scientists said house dust changed the amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight in the mice that create fat in their body. The amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight said that we breathe in and swallow small amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight of dust. Researcher Dr Heather Stapleton said: "Amounts of dust as amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight as three micrograms…caused amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight effects." The dust amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight contained chemicals called EDCs. These can change or copy the body's hormones. EDCs are found in amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight and carpets to make them fire amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight . They are also added to some amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight , to make them bend more, and in cosmetics, food amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight , and household cleaning products. The researchers said EDCs are everywhere in most houses. They say the chemicals can affect our amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight , and that children are at a higher risk. EDCs also cause amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight health risks including creating learning amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight in children. Studies have also shown that EDCs can raise the risk of cancer and amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight . The researchers said there was a "critical need" to assess amounts clean disabilities fatter health hormones infertility low measurable other packaging particles plastics research resistant samples scientists sofas things weight we make that can make us unhealthy.