Over half British people take tea bags them when they leave Britain to go on holiday or go a business trip. British people are famous loving tea and need their cup of tea even when travelling overseas. A survey found that tea bags were the most popular comfort item Britons pack their suitcase when going abroad. The survey is a car rental company. It asked 1,000 holidaymakers what essentials they need when visiting other countries. Around 55 per cent them said tea bags. Other items Britons couldn't do are toilet paper, fluffy towels, potato chips and bacon. Britons also take their favourite biscuits, presumably to dip their morning cuppa.
One the people who took part in the survey explained why he took tea bags him. Richard Ellis, 39, said: "I always take my favourite tea bags holiday. I took them to Thailand last year. It doesn't matter where I am, the tea bags go me – even to my parents who live down the road me but don't drink the same tea as me." Another person wondered why people needed to take things home. Sue Smith said: "We can buy things home other countries. We should try the food and drinks the culture we are visiting." The car rental company said: "It's really interesting to see what holidaymakers decide to take them." The company added: "A fifth people admitted they pack too much."