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Only a handful of countries famous for producing cheese. Switzerland one of them. However, for the first time, Switzerland is more cheese than it . The reason is that in the 1990s, Switzerland up its milk market. This meant other countries could milk in Switzerland. The result is that Swiss farmers have difficulty competing with the cheaper, imported milk. Many Swiss dairy farmers have up because they can no longer make a profit. This has to a decrease in the quantity of cheese made in Switzerland. A spokesperson for the Swiss Dairy Association said the country can now only enough cheese for its own population.

Swiss cheese like Gruyere and Emmental well known for their high quality. Restaurants worldwide these cheeses to their menus. However, eateries and supermarkets around the world may to replace Swiss cheeses with those from England, France or Venezuela. Even though Switzerland is not as much cheese, the Swiss are still big cheese eaters. They are actually more cheese than ever. The Swiss Info website said Swiss people an average of 22.9 kg per person last year. Dairy farmer Lina Fischer was sad to so many farms disappearing. She : "From fondues to fried cheese balls, cheese a big part of life in Switzerland. We our farms, and cheese."

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