The Reading / Listening - Secret Service - Level 3

The US Secret Service is facing questions after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter managed to climb onto the roof of a building that was just 130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking at a rally. People who attended the event told police they had seen a man with a rifle on top of the building. There were also police inside the building from which the gunman fired shots at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable". She said: "This is an event that never should have happened." She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former President. The buck stops with me."

The shooting is the first attempt on a President's or former President's life since the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a large crowd of supporters at his campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's ear. There was blood on his ear and face. Secret Service officers immediately surrounded Trump. Secret Service staff hurried the former President to a nearby safety vehicle. One man died and two people were critically injured in the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by a sniper. Mr Trump later thanked God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well enough to attend a Republican convention on Monday.

Try the same news story at these easier levels:

    Secret Service - Level 0 Secret Service - Level 1   or  Secret Service - Level 2


Make sure you try all of the online activities for this reading and listening - There are dictations, multiple choice activities, drag and drop activities, sentence jumbles, which word activities, text reconstructions, spelling, gap fills and a whole lot more. Please enjoy :-)


1. SECRET SERVICE: Students walk around the class and talk to other students about Secret Service. Change partners often and share your findings.
2. CHAT: In pairs / groups, talk about these topics or words from the article. What will the article say about them? What can you say about these words and your life?
       Secret Service / questions / assassinations / president / rifle / police / protection /
       a large crowd / supporters / campaign / rally / gunman / safety vehicle / injured
Have a chat about the topics you liked. Change topics and partners frequently.
3. PROTECTED: Students A strongly believe all leaders should be behind bulletproof glass; Students B strongly believe the opposite. Change partners again and talk about your conversations.
4. U.S. PRESIDENTS: What do you know about these U.S. Presidents? What questions would you ask them? Complete this table with your partner(s). Change partners often and share what you wrote.


What I Know


Joe Biden



Donald Trump



Barack Obama



John F Kennedy



Abraham Lincoln



George Washington



ESL resource book with copiable worksheets and handouts - 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers / English teachers
See a sample

5. SECRET: Spend one minute writing down all of the different words you associate with the word "secret". Share your words with your partner(s) and talk about them. Together, put the words into different categories.
6. PRESIDENTIAL DUTIES: Rank these with your partner. Put the most important duties at the top. Change partners often and share your rankings.

  • Head of state
  • Commander-in-Chief
  • Pass laws
  • Choose federal agency heads
  • Veto laws
  • Sign treaties
  • Issue pardons
  • Unite the people



    Paragraph 1




A big meeting where people show support for something.




I am the person responsible.




Tried to do something.


roof  (noun)


The act of killing a very important person.


rally  (noun)


The top part of a building that covers it.




Keeping someone or something safe from harm.


The buck stops with (someone).


Someone who used to be something (but isn't anymore).

    Paragraph 2




Something used for moving people or things, like a car or bus.




Did something quickly.




Having people or things all around you.




A series of actions to reach a goal, like trying to win an election.




Hurt or harmed.




A person who approves of and encourages a public figure.




A small metal object that is shot from a gun.


Before reading / listening

1. TRUE / FALSE: Read the headline. Guess if 1-8 below are true (T) or false (F).

  1. The article says the Secret Service has to answer two questions.     T / F
  2. The shooter was on a roof that was 130 metres above ground.     T / F
  3. There were police in the building the shooter was on top of.     T / F
  4. The head of the Secret Service accepted responsibility.     T / F
  5. The last attempt on a U.S. President's life was in 1981.     T / F
  6. The shooter was 21 years old.     T / F
  7. Mr Trump thanked God for preventing the unthinkable.     T / F
  8. Mr Trump attended a Republican convention on Sunday.     T / F

2. SYNONYM MATCH: Match the following synonyms from the article.

  1. facing
  2. former
  3. attended
  4. responsible for
  5. protection
  6. attempt
  7. supporters
  8. surrounded
  9. critically
  10. preventing
  1. defence
  2. encircled
  3. in charge of
  4. went to
  5. stopping
  6. coming up against
  7. seriously
  9. ex
  10. try

3. PHRASE MATCH: (Sometimes more than one choice is possible.)

  1. the attempted
  2. climb onto the roof
  3. they had seen a man with
  4. an event that never should
  5. The buck stops with
  6. a large crowd
  7. campaign
  8. officers immediately
  9. critically
  10. shot and killed by
  1. a rifle
  2. me
  3. of supporters
  4. a sniper
  5. assassination
  6. injured
  7. surrounded Trump
  8. rally
  9. of a building
  10. have happened

Gap fill

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

The US Secret Service is (1) _____________________ questions after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter managed to (2) _____________________ onto the roof of a building that was just 130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking at a (3) _____________________. People who attended the event told police they had seen a man with a (4) _____________________ on top of the building. There were also police inside the building from which the gunman fired (5) _____________________ at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable". She said: "This is an event that (6) _____________________ should have happened." She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for the (7) _____________________ of the former President. The buck (8) _____________________ with me."

Put these words into the spaces in the paragraph below.

The shooting is the (9) _____________________ attempt on a President's or former President's life since the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a (10) _____________________ crowd of supporters at his campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One (11) _____________________ hit Mr Trump's ear. There was blood on his ear and face. Secret Service (12) _____________________ immediately surrounded Trump. Secret Service staff (13) _____________________ the former President to a nearby safety vehicle. One man died and two people were critically (14) _____________________ in the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by a (15) _____________________. Mr Trump later thanked God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well enough to (16) _____________________ a Republican convention on Monday.

Listening — Guess the answers. Listen to check.

1) The US Secret Service is facing questions after ______
     a.  the attempt it assassination
     b.  the attempted assassinating
     c.  the attempted assassination
     d.  the attempted assassin nation
2)  A shooter managed to climb ______
     a.  unto the roof
     b.  onto the roof
     c.  into the roof
     d.  on too the roof
3)  People who attended the event told police they had seen a man ______
     a.  with a rifled
     b.  with the rifle
     c.  wither rifle
     d.  with a rifle
4)  There were also police inside the building from which the ______
     a.  gunman fired shot
     b.  gunman firing shots
     c.  gunmen fired shots
     d.  gunman fired shots
5)  The Secret Service is responsible for the protection of ______
     a.  then former President
     b.  them former President
     c.  the former President
     d.  these former President

6)  The shooting is the first attempt on a President's or ______
     a.  former President's live
     b.  former President's rife
     c.  former President's life
     d.  former President's alive
7)  Mr Trump was speaking to a large crowd of supporters at ______
     a.  his campaign rally
     b.  his campaign really
     c.  his campaign rallied
     d.  his campaign rallying
8)  Secret Service staff hurried the former President to a ______
     a.  nearby safely vehicle
     b.  nearby safety vehicle
     c.  nearby safe tea vehicle
     d.  nearly safety vehicle
9)  Mr Trump later thanked God for ______
     a.  prevent in the unthinkable
     b.  prevent tin the unthinkable
     c.  prevention the unthinkable
     d.  preventing the unthinkable
10)  He was well enough to attend a Republican ______
     a.  convent shun on Monday
     b.  con tension on Monday
     c.  convention on Monday
     d.  contention on Monday

Listening — Listen and fill in the gaps

The US Secret Service (1) ____________________ after the attempted assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter (2) ____________________ onto the roof of a building that was just 130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking (3) ____________________. People who attended the event told police they had seen a man with a (4) ____________________ of the building. There were also police inside the building from which the gunman fired shots at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable". She said: "This is an event that (5) ____________________ happened." She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former President. The (6) ____________________ me."

The shooting is the first attempt on a President's or former President's life (7) ____________________ of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a large crowd of supporters at (8) ____________________ near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's ear. There was blood on his (9) ____________________. Secret Service officers immediately surrounded Trump. Secret Service staff hurried the former President to a (10) ____________________. One man died and two people were (11) ____________________ the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by a sniper. Mr Trump later thanked God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well (12) ____________________ a Republican convention on Monday.

Comprehension questions

  1. How far away from Donald Trump was the shooter?
  2. Who did people tell about a man with a rifle?
  3. Where were some police officers located?
  4. What did the boss of the Secret Service say about the shooting?
  5. Who did the boss of the Secret Service say the buck stops with?
  6. When was the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan?
  7. How many shots did the gunman fire?
  8. Where did Secret Service officers take Mr Trump to?
  9. Who did Mr Trump thank?
  10. Where was Mr Trump on Monday?

Multiple choice quiz

1) How far away from Donald Trump was the shooter?
a) 120 metres
b) 130 metres
c) 140 metres
d) 150 metres

2) Who did people tell about a man with a rifle?
a) the Secret Service
b) Mr Trump's assistant
c) a journalist
d) the police

3) Where were some police officers located?
a) in the same building as the shooter
b) in a police station
c) on the main stage
d) among the crowd of supporters

4) What did the boss of the Secret Service say about the shooting?
a) It was tragic.
b) Lessons will be learned.
c) It was unacceptable.
d) She'll make a statement soon.

5) Who did the boss of the Secret Service say the buck stops with?
a) the police
b) her
c) the rally's organizers

d) the Secret Service agents

6) When was the attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan?
a) 1981
b) 1991
c) 2001
d) 2011

7) How many shots did the gunman fire?
a) 6
b) 7
c) 8
d) 9

8) Where did Secret Service officers take Mr Trump to?
a) a safety vehicle
b) a safe house
c) a secret location
d) his home

9) Who did Mr Trump thank?
a) God
b) his supporters
c) his family
d) his vice-president

10) Where was Mr Trump on Monday?
a) travelling overseas
b) at another rally
c) at home

d) at a Republican convention

Role play

Role  A – Head of State
You think being head of state is the most important duty for the U.S. President. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their duties aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of these (and why): Commander-in-Chief, choosing federal agency heads or uniting the people.

Role  B – Being Commander-in-Chief
You think being Commander-in-Chief is the most important duty for the U.S. President. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their duties aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of these (and why): being head of state, choosing federal agency heads or uniting the people.

Role  C – Choosing Federal Agency Heads
You think choosing federal agency heads is the most important duty for the U.S. President. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their duties aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of these (and why): Commander-in-Chief, being head of state or uniting the people.

Role  D – Uniting the People
You think uniting the people is the most important duty for the U.S. President. Tell the others three reasons why. Tell them why their duties aren't as important. Also, tell the others which is the least important of these (and why): Commander-in-Chief, choosing federal agency heads or being head of state.

After reading / listening

1. WORD SEARCH:Look online / in your dictionary to find collocates, information on, synonyms for… the words  


  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • and 'service'.

  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • ________________
  • • Share your findings with your partners.

    • Make questions using the words you found.

    • Ask your partner / group your questions.

    2. ARTICLE QUESTIONS: Look back at the article and write down some questions you would like to ask the class about the text.

    •Share your questions with other classmates / groups. •Ask your partner / group your questions.

    3. GAP FILL: In pairs / groups, compare your answers to this exercise. Check your answers. Talk about the words from the activity. Were they new, interesting, worth learning…?

    4. VOCABULARY: Circle any words you do not understand. In groups, pool unknown words and use dictionaries to find their meanings.

    5. TEST EACH OTHER: Look at the words below. With your partner, try to recall how they were used in the text:

    • facing
    • climb
    • rifle
    • unacceptable
    • happened
    • buck
    • first
    • large
    • eight
    • officers
    • injured
    • thanked

    Student survey

    Write five GOOD questions about this topic in the table. Do this in pairs. Each student must write the questions on his / her own paper. When you have finished, interview other students. Write down their answers.

    (Please look at page 12 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

    Discussion - Secret Service

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    1. What did you think when you read the headline?
    2. What images are in your mind when you hear the word 'secret'?
    3. What do you know about America's Secret Service?
    4. What are the security services like in your country?
    5. What do you know about the attempted assassination?
    6. How did the shooter manage to get close enough to shoot Mr Trump?
    7. What were you doing when you heard the news of the shooting?
    8. How will the shooting change the USA?
    9. What should happen to the boss of the Secret Service?
    10. What advice do you have for Donald Trump?

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    1. Did you like reading this article? Why/not?
    2. What do you think of when you hear the word 'service'?
    3. What do you think about what you read?
    4. How could leaders be better protected?
    5. Would you like to attend a Donald Trump campaign rally?
    6. What images did you see of the attempted assassination?
    7. What did you think of the Secret Service agents at the rally?
    8. What do you think of the USA election in November?
    9. What is the difference between the Republican and Democratic parties?
    10. What questions would you like to ask Donald Trump?

    Discussion — Write your own questions

    STUDENT A’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student B)

    (a) ________________

    (b) ________________

    (c) ________________

    (d) ________________

    (e) ________________

    STUDENT B’s QUESTIONS (Do not show these to student A)

    (f) ________________

    (g) ________________

    (h) ________________

    (i) ________________

    (j) ________________

    Language — Cloze (Gap-fill)

    The US Secret Service is facing questions after the (1) ____ assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter managed to climb onto the roof of a building that was (2) ____ 130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking at a rally. People who (3) ____ the event told police they had seen a man with a rifle on top of the building. There were also police inside the building from which the gunman (4) ____ shots at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable". She said: "This is (5) ____ event that never should have happened." She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for the protection of the former President. The (6) ____ stops with me."

    The shooting is the first attempt (7) ____ a President's or former President's life since the shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a large crowd of (8) ____ at his campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's ear. There was blood on his ear and face. Secret Service officers (9) ____ surrounded Trump. Secret Service staff hurried the former President to a nearby safety vehicle. One man died and two people were (10) ____ injured in the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed (11) ____ a sniper. Mr Trump later thanked God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well (12) ____ to attend a Republican convention on Monday.

    Which of these words go in the above text?

    1. (a)     attempting     (b)     attempts     (c)     attempted     (d)     attempt    
    2. (a)     just     (b)     justly     (c)     adjust     (d)     justice    
    3. (a)     attended     (b)     intended     (c)     contended     (d)     tended    
    4. (a)     fired     (b)     gunned     (c)     bulleted     (d)     rifled    
    5. (a)     what     (b)     an     (c)     the     (d)     a    
    6. (a)     duck     (b)     tuck     (c)     luck     (d)     buck    
    7. (a)     as     (b)     to     (c)     on     (d)     by    
    8. (a)     supports     (b)     supportive     (c)     supporting     (d)     supporters    
    9. (a)     immediately     (b)     immediacy     (c)     immediate     (d)     mediate    
    10. (a)     critics     (b)     critically     (c)     critique     (d)     criticize    
    11. (a)     at     (b)     by     (c)     on     (d)     as    
    12. (a)     plenty     (b)     sufficient     (c)     enough     (d)     lack


    Paragraph 1

    1. after the attempted saonansitiass
    2. climb onto the roof of a nlbigdui
    3. People who atdentde the event
    4. a man with a lrfei
    5. the shooting was cauepcbtnale
    6. The Secret Service is responsible for the otnoerpitc

    Paragraph 2

    1. a large crowd of srrpsotpue
    2. at his cpagmnai rally
    3. officers ledeiiatymm surrounded Trump
    4. a nearby safety eiveclh
    5. two people were critically jruiden
    6. attend a Republican ocnvnontie

    Put the text back together

    (...)  130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking at a rally. People who attended the event told
    (...)  ear. There was blood on his ear and face. Secret Service officers immediately surrounded Trump. Secret Service
    (...)  rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's
    (...)  police they had seen a man with a rifle on top of the building. There were also police inside the building from which the
    (...)  The shooting is the first attempt on a President's or former President's life since the
    (...)  of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter managed to climb onto the roof of a building that was just
    (...)  responsible for the protection of the former President. The buck stops with me."
    1  )  The US Secret Service is facing questions after the attempted assassination
    (...)  God for "preventing the unthinkable". He was well enough to attend a Republican convention on Monday.
    (...)  gunman fired shots at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was
    (...)  unacceptable". She said: "This is an event that never should have happened." She added: "The Secret Service is
    (...)  shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a large crowd of followers at his campaign
    (...)  staff hurried the former President to a nearby safety vehicle. One man died and two people were critically
    (...)  injured in the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by a sniper. Mr Trump later thanked

    Put the words in the right order

    1. managed   onto   roof   .   A   to   shooter   climb   the
    2. attended   event   People   who   the   told   police   .
    3. which   from   gunman   the   fired   The   building   shots   .
    4. happened   .   an   event   that   have   never   should   It's
    5. former   the   of   the   for   President   .   Responsible   protection
    6. was   of   supporters   .   Trump   speaking   crowd   to   a
    7. blood   and   on   his   There   face   .   ear   was
    8. critically   were   Two   shooting   .   people   in   injured   the
    9. Trump   the   God   for   later   thanked   preventing   unthinkable   .
    10. attend   well   He   to   enough   was   convention   .   a

    Circle the correct word (20 pairs)

    The US Secret Service is facing questions after the attempted / attempt assassination of former President Donald Trump on Saturday. A shooter managed to climb unto / onto the roof of a building that was adjust / just 130 metres from where Mr Trump was speaking at a / the rally. People who attended the event told police they have / had seen a man with a rifle on top of the building. There were also police onside / inside the building from which the gunman fired shoots / shots at Mr Trump. The director of the Secret Service said the shooting "was unacceptable". She said: "This is an event / eventually that never should have happened." She added: "The Secret Service is responsible for / at the protection of the former President. The buck / duck stops with me."

    The shooting is the first attempt on / in a President's or former President's life since the shot / shooting of Ronald Reagan in 1981. Mr Trump was speaking to a large / largely crowd of supporters at his campaign rally near Butler, Pennsylvania. The 20-year-old gunman fired / firing eight shots. One bullet hit Mr Trump's ear. There was bloody / blood on his ear and face. Secret Service officers immediate / immediately surrounded Trump. Secret Service staff hurried / hurrying the former President to a nearby safety vehicle. One man died and two people were critically / critical injured in the shooting. The gunman was shot and killed by / of a sniper. Mr Trump later thanked God for "preventing the thinking / unthinkable". He was well enough to attend a Republican convention on Monday.

    Talk about the connection between each pair of words in italics, and why the correct word is correct. Look up the definition of new words.

    Insert the vowels (a, e, i, o, u)

    Th_  _S  S_cr_t  S_rv_c_  _s  f_c_ng  q__st__ns  _ft_r  th_  _tt_mpt_d  _ss_ss_n_t__n  _f  f_rm_r  Pr_s_d_nt  D_n_ld  Tr_mp  _n  S_t_rd_y.  _  sh__t_r  m_n_g_d  t_  cl_mb  _nt_  th_  r__f  _f  _  b__ld_ng  th_t  w_s  j_st  130  m_tr_s  fr_m  wh_r_  Mr  Tr_mp  w_s  sp__k_ng  _t  _  r_lly.  P__pl_  wh_  _tt_nd_d  th_  _v_nt  t_ld  p_l_c_  th_y  h_d  s__n  _  m_n  w_th  _  r_fl_  _n  t_p  _f  th_  b__ld_ng.  Th_r_  w_r_  _ls_  p_l_c_  _ns_d_  th_  b__ld_ng  fr_m  wh_ch  th_  g_nm_n  f_r_d  sh_ts  _t  Mr  Tr_mp.  Th_  d_r_ct_r  _f  th_  S_cr_t  S_rv_c_  s__d  th_  sh__t_ng  "w_s  _n_cc_pt_bl_".  Sh_  s__d:  "Th_s  _s  _n  _v_nt  th_t  n_v_r  sh__ld  h_v_  h_pp_n_d."  Sh_  _dd_d:  "Th_  S_cr_t  S_rv_c_  _s  r_sp_ns_bl_  f_r  th_  pr_t_ct__n  _f  th_  f_rm_r  Pr_s_d_nt.  Th_  b_ck  st_ps  w_th  m_."

    Th_  sh__t_ng  _s  th_  f_rst  _tt_mpt  _n  _  Pr_s_d_nt's  _r  f_rm_r  Pr_s_d_nt's  l_f_  s_nc_  th_  sh__t_ng  _f  R_n_ld  R__g_n  _n  1981.  Mr  Tr_mp  w_s  sp__k_ng  t_  _  l_rg_  cr_wd  _f  s_pp_rt_rs  _t  h_s  c_mp__gn  r_lly  n__r  B_tl_r,  P_nnsylv_n__.  Th_  20-y__r-_ld  g_nm_n  f_r_d  __ght  sh_ts.  _n_  b_ll_t  h_t  Mr  Tr_mp's  __r.  Th_r_  w_s  bl__d  _n  h_s  __r  _nd  f_c_.  S_cr_t  S_rv_c_  _ff_c_rs  _mm_d__t_ly  s_rr__nd_d  Tr_mp.  S_cr_t  S_rv_c_  st_ff  h_rr__d  th_  f_rm_r  Pr_s_d_nt  t_  _  n__rby  s_f_ty  v_h_cl_.  _n_  m_n  d__d  _nd  tw_  p__pl_  w_r_  cr_t_c_lly  _nj_r_d  _n  th_  sh__t_ng.  Th_  g_nm_n  w_s  sh_t  _nd  k_ll_d  by  _  sn_p_r.  Mr  Tr_mp  l_t_r  th_nk_d  G_d  f_r  "pr_v_nt_ng  th_  _nth_nk_bl_".  H_  w_s  w_ll  _n__gh  t_  _tt_nd  _  R_p_bl_c_n  c_nv_nt__n  _n  M_nd_y.

    Punctuate the text and add capitals

    the us secret service is facing questions after the attempted assassination of former president donald trump on saturday a shooter managed to climb onto the roof of a building that was just 130 metres from where mr trump was speaking at a rally people who attended the event told police they had seen a man with a rifle on top of the building there were also police inside the building from which the gunman fired shots at mr trump the director of the secret service said the shooting was unacceptable she said this is an event that never should have happened she added the secret service is responsible for the protection of the former president the buck stops with me

    the shooting is the first attempt on a presidents or former presidents life since the shooting of ronald reagan in 1981 mr trump was speaking to a large crowd of supporters at his campaign rally near butler pennsylvania the 20yearold gunman fired eight shots one bullet hit mr trumps ear there was blood on his ear and face secret service officers immediately surrounded trump secret service staff hurried the former president to a nearby safety vehicle one man died and two people were critically injured in the shooting the gunman was shot and killed by a sniper mr trump later thanked god for preventing the unthinkable he was well enough to attend a republican convention on monday

    Put a slash (/) where the spaces are


    Free writing

    Write about Secret Service for 10 minutes. Comment on your partner’s paper.











    Academic writing

    It is too dangerous for politicians to speak in public. Discuss.












    1. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the text. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.
    2. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find out more about this news story. Share what you discover with your partner(s) in the next lesson.
    3. DONALD TRUMP: Make a poster about Donald Trump. Show your work to your classmates in the next lesson. Did you all have similar things?
    4. ONLINE POLITICIANS: Write a magazine article about asking politicians to only speak to people while being online. Include imaginary interviews with people who are for and against this.
    Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Write down any new words and expressions you hear from your partner(s).
    5. WHAT HAPPENED NEXT? Write a newspaper article about the next stage in this news story. Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.
    6. LETTER: Write a letter to an expert on Secret Service. Ask him/her three questions about Secret Service. Give him/her three of your ideas. Read your letter to your partner(s) in your next lesson. Your partner(s) will answer your questions.

    A Few Additional Activities for Students

    Ask your students what they have read, seen or heard about this news in their own language. Students are likely to / may have have encountered this news in their L1 and therefore bring a background knowledge to the classroom.

    Get students to role play different characters from this news story.

    Ask students to keep track of this news and revisit it to discuss in your next class.

    Ask students to male predictions of how this news might develop in the next few days or weeks, and then revisit and discuss in a future class.

    Ask students to write a follow-up story to this news.

    Students role play a journalist and someone who witnessed or was a part of this news. Perhaps they could make a video of the interview.

    Ask students to keep a news journal in English and add this story to their thoughts.


    Buy my 1,000 Ideas and Activities for Language Teachers eBook. It has hundreds of ideas, activity templates, reproducible activities for:

    • News
    • Warm ups
    • Pre-reading / Post-reading
    • Using headlines
    • Working with words
    • While-reading / While-listening
    • Moving from text to speech
    • Post-reading / Post-listening
    • Discussions
    • Using opinions
    • Plans
    • Language
    • Using lists
    • Using quotes
    • Task-based activities
    • Role plays
    • Using the central characters in the article
    • Using themes from the news
    • Homework

    Buy my book

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    (Please look at page 26 of the PDF to see a photocopiable example of this activity.)

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