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show say feel be conduct think show sense avoid lead
look damage heal become try stay protect carry understand target
New research that insects feel pain. The researchers it isn't the same kind of pain that humans . The pain that insects feel a sensation that is like pain. The research was at the University of Sydney in Australia. Professor Greg Neely, co-author of the research report, said: "People don't really of insects as feeling any kind of pain, but it's already been in lots of different invertebrate animals that they can and dangerous [things] that we [think of] as painful." He added: "We knew that insects could sense 'pain' but what we didn't know is that an injury could to long-lasting a similar way to human patients' experiences."

The researchers at how fruit flies reacted to injuries. The scientists one leg on fruit flies and allowed the leg to . They found that after the leg fully healed, the flies more sensitive and harder to protect their legs. Professor Neely said the pain the flies felt in their memory and this changed their behaviour. He said: "After the [insect] is hurt once badly, they are hypersensitive and try to themselves for the rest of their lives." Neely says he hopes to out more research to better how humans feel pain. He said: "We are focused on making new stem cell therapies or drugs that the underlying cause and stop pain for good."

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