Archive: December 2005
- 2005-12-31: US teen visits Baghdad to do his homework - easier | harder
- 2005-12-30: Regional accents are 'bad for business' - easier | harder
- 2005-12-29: Bolivian leader to halve own salary - easier | harder
- 2005-12-28: Japanese women to have more equality - easier | harder
- 2005-12-27: No Lesson
- 2005-12-26: No Lesson
- 2005-12-25: Hangover cures do not work - easier | harder
- 2005-12-24: No Lesson
- 2005-12-23: Time Warner picks new president - easier | harder
- 2005-12-22: Indian policewomen slap dating couples - easier | harder
- 2005-12-21: Yoga is best for back pain sufferers - easier | harder
- 2005-12-20: Arab Gulf nations call for nuclear-free region - easier | harder
- 2005-12-19: Bill Gates & Bono - Time's Persons of 2005 - easier | harder
- 2005-12-18: No Lesson
- 2005-12-17: The Beatles sue EMI for $50 million - easier | harder
- 2005-12-16: The Asian Economic Community is coming - easier | harder
- 2005-12-15: No Lesson
- 2005-12-14: Self-destructing mobile phone messages - easier | harder
- 2005-12-13: Japan to resume US beef imports - easier | harder
- 2005-12-12: No Lesson
- 2005-12-11: New life given to Kyoto Protocol - easier | harder
- 2005-12-10: Draw made for 2006 World Cup Finals - easier | harder
- 2005-12-09: Coca-Cola unveils new global ad strategy - easier | harder
- 2005-12-08: “Podcast” is 2005 Word of the Year - easier | harder
- 2005-12-07: No Lesson
- 2005-12-06: New highways threaten giant pandas - easier | harder
- 2005-12-05: No Lesson
- 2005-12-04: Brad Pitt to adopt Angelina Jolie’s kids - easier | harder
- 2005-12-03: Sharp objects allowed back on US planes - easier | harder
- 2005-12-02: Surprise upswing in US economy - easier | harder
- 2005-12-01: Woman has first face transplant - easier | harder
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